UberBoda Won’t Work Past 11pm, says company

UberBoda driver pictured starting a trip. Courtesy Photo/Uber UberBoda driver pictured starting a trip. Courtesy Photo/Uber

Uber Uganda on Monday released at statement announcing that its moto-taxi hailing option; UberBoda won’t be operating after 11pm. When it clocks 11pm (EAT) the ride hailing company will temporarily halt the UberBoda option on its app till 6am (EAT).

“In light of the emerging safety concerns affecting Boda Boda riders and drivers during night time, we’re making a proactive safety approach to turn off the UberBoda option between 11pm to 6am daily,” Uber writes in a statement.

However, the cab option (UberX) will be available. In its statement, the company said, “The UberX (cars) option will continue to be active 24/7.”

Uber says its riders and drivers safety is their priority—working to introduce features and initiatives that ensures ones safety during each Uber trip.

Killing bodaboda riders is so common, and the numbers keep growing gradually.

A mini survey conducted by Police on the killings of bodaboda riders in the last three months showed that many are killed in the dead of night, usually between midnight and 1 am, reports New Vision.

Most of these riders are killed with use of stones, knives and hammers and the target are new model Bajaj Boxers because of their resale value and parts.

With all the killings, bodaboda riders have been cautioned against working late hours so as to avoid risking their lives.

UberBoda was launched in March last year in Kampala, weeks after its competitor Bolt (formerly TaxifyBoda) launched. Kampala was the first city in Africa to see Uber launch its moto-taxi hailing trip option before headed to Nairobi in November of the same year.

The moto-taxi hailing business in Uganda is growing tough with SafeBoda still leading considering they are the sole-pioneers. However, these firms; SafeBoda, UberBoda, Bolt, Dial Jack, among others only operate in Kampala.