10 Common Mistakes You Should Avoid While Hiring Mobile Developers

While hiring mobile app developers for your upcoming projects, it’s crucial to keep lots of options in hand. (PHOTO BY: Job Street) While hiring mobile app developers for your upcoming projects, it’s crucial to keep lots of options in hand. (PHOTO BY: Job Street)
<center>While hiring mobile app developers for your upcoming projects, it’s crucial to keep lots of options in hand. (PHOTO BY: Job Street)</center>

Mobile applications are one of the most crucial aspects of the competitive business environment or industry. Not only mobile apps can increase the marketing strategies, but also increase sales of services and products. This is the primary reason to prioritize mobile apps to boost the success of your business.

As per a report, the average mobile app development cost for the iOS platform is around USD$30,000, for the Windows OS platform the cost is USD$19,000, for the Android OS platform USD$25,000, and for the Blackberry OS platform USD$16,000.

Undoubtedly the sale of mobile phones will increase rapidly in the upcoming days. So, businesses should carefully hire dedicated and reliable mobile app developers who can handle their projects meticulously.

In this article, we will discuss the top 10 common mistakes businesses make while hiring mobile app developers.

You Miss Verifying Credentials

While you’re determined to hire mobile app developers or a mobile app development company, you should never begin hiring them without verifying their credentials. Try to ask them about their previous clients and projects. You can also ask them how many mobile applications they have developed in past or which types of operating systems they’re familiar with.

Additionally, you can also download the mobile apps they’ve developed in the past. This way you can know if the developers are relevant for your company or not. If you don’t like the applications, then you shouldn’t hire them.

You Avoid Interviewing Developers

As per Medium, while hiring a mobile development agency or company, most businesses are concerned about the reputation of the company. In this process, they avoid interviewing the mobile app developer who will handle the project. However, this is another great mistake you should avoid at any cost.

No matter how reputed this company is you should remember that the outcome of your project is extremely dependable on the expertise and skills of the mobile app development team. This is the main reason why you should always interview individual developers. When you communicate with them directly, you will be able to share your thoughts and ideas with them. This will help the developers to work seamlessly on your project.

Don’t Depend Only on Local Developers

Local mobile app developers or development companies are not a bad choice, but depending on them completely would be another great mistake.

Don’t forget that you need a user-friendly and robust mobile application that can run without experiencing any crashes or bugs. Hence, it’s not an issue if you hire some mobile app developers who are thousands of miles away from your house. While hiring mobile app developers for your upcoming projects, it’s crucial to keep lots of options in hand.

You Choose Cost over Skills

One of the most important factors is cost while hiring mobile app developers. This is especially problematic for small start-ups or businesses that have a tight budget. However, you should never consider the pricing as the assurance of your mobile app development project. Always notice the skills of the web developers instead of the pricing. This way you won’t have to spend a lot of money to hire some amazing skilled and crafted mobile app developers who can handle your project. If you want a skillful mobile developer team, then consider contacting the mobile application development agency

There are millions of mobile apps out on the different OS platforms. Your mobile app must be crafted beautifully so that it can help your business to grow more.

Don’t Be Hasty

Do you know that the mobile app development process is extremely complex? To make it successful you need developers, designers, tester, and the client to make sure everything is working perfectly. Additionally, the mobile app development process is also slow as it requires a tremendous amount of coding and time.

If you notice the mobile app developer is promising you to create an app within a few days, you should avoid hiring the developer as they have lesser knowledge about the app development ecosystem. So, if you want your business to succeed, then hire developers who are determined and have decent knowledge about the ecosystem.

No Previous Experience in Niche

You should always hire mobile app developers who have previous experience in your niche. You should also know if they have developed mobile apps for businesses that are similar to yours. However, if you hire an inexperienced mobile app developer or team who has absurd knowledge about your customer behavior or industry, then you might end up receiving poor interfaced mobile applications.

They Don’t Have Knowledge in Different Platforms

Mobile application development is considered successful when they are available and work flawlessly across different platforms. You may start your application by launching them on iOS and Android platforms, but you should also focus on launching them across other platforms such as Blackberry OS or Windows OS.

Hence, you should only hire mobile app development agencies that have experience and skills across different platforms. This will save you time and money.

You Don’t Consider the Product Life Cycle

The process of mobile app development is incessant as the apps need upgrades with time. By upgrading, your application will stay bug0free. However, many businesses become so overwhelmed by the app development process that they neglect the future of the app.

There, you must think about the future while hiring mobile app developers for the project.

You Don’t Own the Source Code

Most of the mobile applications are built with Java or Python code language. Therefore, you need to own the source code at any cost. The source code is the heart of your mobile application. Those who have the source code can do anything with the application. If the development company has your source code, then you should take it from them. Otherwise, you’ll face difficulty while switching from one company to another.

You Don’t Learn From Your Mistakes

You can make mistakes while hiring mobile app developers or a mobile app development company. But, you shouldn’t conduct the same mistakes multiple times. If you feel dissatisfied with the products, you should hire a more professional developer.


If you want to achieve success in your business and stay ahead of your competitor, then you must create a successful mobile application with the help of a professional and experienced developer. Always find the right developers that are appropriate for your business. Communicate with experts and ask them to build an application. Additionally, take time to hire a perfect developer so that you can assign your projects in good hands.