EDITOR’S PICK: How to Activate MTN’s Work From Home Bundle

The work from home bundle is a 1GB data package costing UGX2,000 which is vaild from 9AM to 5PM. Photo by: OLUPOT NATHAN ERNEST | PC Tech Magazine The work from home bundle is a 1GB data package costing UGX2,000 which is vaild from 9AM to 5PM. Photo by: OLUPOT NATHAN ERNEST | PC Tech Magazine
<center>The work from home bundle is a 1GB data package costing UGX2,000 which is vaild from 9AM to 5PM. Photo by: OLUPOT NATHAN ERNEST | PC Tech Magazine</center>

MTN Uganda last week introduced a new small special internet data package dubbed, ‘Work From Home Bundles’ to encourage people to work from home other than at their offices where social distancing isn’t that much, which [social distancing] is one of the recommendation to the general public to avoid getting coronavirus, COVID-19.

The newly introduced bundle from MTN Uganda, was part of the company’s plan that the telco announced to support the fight against COVID-19. The three-way plan was announced by the telco’s Chief Executive Officer; Mr. Wim Vanhelleputte on Thursday 19th, March 2020. In the plan apart from the new special bundle, he highlighted that the teclo had scrapped off transcation fees on mobile money under UGX30,000, and also made available for immediate use, UGX500 million that they will give to the Ministry of Health to fight the virus.

The work from home bundle is a 1GB data package costing UGX2,000 which is vaild from 9AM to 5PM. According to Mr. Wim the time interval is the normal working hours and thought it is best that way. He called on employers shut down their offices and transitioned their employees to remote work.

Now not all business owners, employees can work from home. This kind of advantage is good for freelancers, digital, media, social media managers, among others. Business/work that doesn’t necessarily need for instance, selling of physical products.

To activate the work from bundles, dial *150*19# >> press OK, and you can buy for yourself or another person. The bundles are only active from 9AM to 5PM. We believe the data is capped, thereby it won’t be consumed quickly.

1GB isn’t much, therefore, we recommend no heavy downloads, making updates, streaming, watching videos. If you require to do more, we recommend purchase a different bundle other than this.

If you need to estimate how much data you might need to use in a day, perhaps a MTN data calculator might be of help.

MTN Data Calculator will give you an estimate of how much data you’ll use each month, week or day.

The Data Calculator gives you an approximate figure for your monthly or weekly or daily data usage based on the average size of an email, download, upload, webpages opened, Social Media activity, streaming and Mobile Apps activity. The actual amount of data you use each month may be more or less than this estimated figure.

How it works;

Data usage is worked out by adding together everything that is downloaded and uploaded on the mobile internet connection.

Enter your daily, weekly or monthly data usage on each activity, by adjusting the sliders to point at how much data you roughly spend.

The calculator adds up the selections in real-time and gives you an idea of what data plans are right for you.

Since you’re working from home for the next 30-days as advised by Pres. Museveni, we recommend to get a monthly package. MTN has a monthly package of 30GB for UGX100,000 that we can recommend you purchase.

Other MTN data packages you could take advantage of, is the MTN Gaga. MTN Gaga bundles usually come cheap and the volume is big. It is only active every Wednesday, and unlike previous where it was valid for 24-hours, this time around it is valid till Saturday 6AM. However, it depends on how it is used as it can get done with hours, a day or two.

In conclusion, Uganda has confirmed its first coronavirus victim so stay safe, avoid handshakes or hugs, social distance, wash your hands with soap then use sanitizers, avoid use of hard cash and stick to mobile money considering that transaction fees have been scrapped off.