One of WhatsApp’s ‘greatest’ feature; the revoke or recall feature might soon get an update. The feature having been rolled out to its users last year, allows them to delete mistakenly sent messages within 7 minutes. However, in the most recent WhatsApp beta for Android, the feature now gives users up to an hour to delete a message for everyone in chats.
This was first spotted by WABetaInfo, the WhatsApp update tracking site.
Another feature seen in the beta app, but as been again disabled by default, will show be to show a forwarded message. In other words, the Forwarded Message label shows up on top of message if it has been forwarded from another, or same chat. The move if nothing classifies forwards, and could be amongst the first steps to combat spam and fake news.
The update is still in beta versions for Android, will roll out soon to all its users, iOS inclusive.