MTN App Challenge winners, Yoza laundry service launches in Beta

<center>The Yoza App Team won the 2015 MTN App Innovation challenge.</center>

Yoza Tech today announced the launch of their award winning application, Yoza laundry service in Kampala.

The laundry service app was the winner of MTN Uganda’s 1st ever MTN App Challenge back in June 2015. Yoza is a Luganda and Runyankore dialect which translates to ‘Wash’.

From that time till now, the team at Yoza Tech have successfully managed to register the company and service, signed up more than 100 washers – both men and women within Kampala.

“We are in more than 25 locations in Kampala with over 100 washers already signed up, and all this is in less than 2 months. So we are very positive we have some good ground coverage with more to come in the near future.” Claimed Nicholas Kamanzi, one of the co-founders of Yoza Tech.

Yoza Tech also successfully held a Yoza workshop where they trained the washers in laundry best practices and how to work with clients, earlier this month.

The App

The Beta version of the App, already available in the Play Store (Android) offers its users with the opportunity to locate people within his/her area to do their laundry. After locating someone in your area, you can then book a washer, by making a phone call. Payment can be made within the app itself via MTN Mobile Money or on a cash basis. At the moment, Mobile Money integration is not yet complete however.

A user is also able to recommend the washers via a rating and review system, for other users to know who best to pick to do their laundry.

The application targets university students, bachelors (and bachelorettes) and anyone who is too busy and doesn’t have time to do laundry before a new week starts.