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9 Simple Ways to Speed Up Your Mac

You can speed up your Mac using a few seconds of your time each day. Be aware of what's running and when on your machine.

Few tech companies have the cult following of Apple. The hybrid software and hardware company has complete control over user experience giving it an edge over countless wannabes.

When you have a PC that starts to malfunction, it’s often a sign to trash it. But with a Mac, you can keep reviving your machine as long as your other components are intact.

Here are 9 simple ways to speed up your Mac if you notice your system falling behind.

1. Restart

Restarting a device is the 8th wonder of the world. It’s so impossibly simple that many people feel guilty and end up taking their machines into a specialist to have them complete the task for them.

Computers can’t remain on for days at a time without some order of malfunction. The slow speed could simply mean it’s time to turn it off and turn it back on.

2. Block Popups

When browsing the web, the easiest way to speed up your computer is to block popup windows. This feature comes as a default in Safari, but as you begin using other browsers, sneaky popups happen consuming your computer’s memory.

Go into the Preferences menu of your web browser and block incoming popups before advertisement take over your screen. You can manually override the blocker as needed by clicking an icon in the address bar of your browser.

3. Close Memory Heavy Pages

In Safari, you’ll get notifications when web pages use more than the standard amount of memory. These are usually pages that skip the need for popups by offering video ads instead.

These annoying ads are dreadful because they can slow your entire computer down. If you can’t close the tab using the memory, you can turn on Reader mode instead.

Many websites can be switched to text only by clicking the ‘Reader’ icon in the web address bar. If this option isn’t offered, your only other choice is to convert the page to a PDF and read it offline.

4. Lower Login Items

It’s very convenient to have all the usual suspects open when you launch your Mac. But over time, these programs that open on startup can drag down the speed of your computer.

Perform an audit of the programs you need upon startup and which you can wait to launch later. Some programs might be starting that you didn’t even realize were still on your machine.

Go to System Preferences then Users and Groups. Under Login Items, check the boxes next to the apps you want to start up when your computer turns on.

Click the minus button next to any programs you no longer use. The fewer programs that run at startup the faster your Mac will run.

5. Free Up Space

Your Mac is an awesome machine but it’s not a superhero. Putting too much on your machine is a burden on your Mac.

Consider keeping your storage at less than 70 percent capacity at all times. Find cloud storage options or backup your computer to a hard drive so you don’t have lots of information taking up space.

When your computer reaches its storage capacity, expect it to start slowing down or even malfunctioning in subtle ways. Get up to speed on how to defrag a mac so you can do a deep dive into unwanted space killers.

6. Update Software

Older software is no longer supported by Apple once a new version gets released. Waiting too long to update your computer opens the doors to glitches and poor performance.

If you want to avoid malfunctions, approve software updates as they’re released. It does require a restart which is an inconvenience in the middle of the workday.

Check for new software updates during weekend evenings when you’re less likely on your Mac.

7. Close Open Programs

If you use your computer for work, chances are you have specialty software installed to help you with projects. These projects may important to focus on while they’re in progress, but once you’re no longer actively working on them it’s time to close the apps.

Specialty software is a common culprit of a slow running machine especially if you have a base level model. Hiding doesn’t count because the app is still running in the background.

Actively close each program after saving your work. You can speed up your Mac by only running one program at a time.

8. Organize Desktop

A slow Mac speed can be user error. When you’re unable to find what you need easily on your machine, your productivity slows down.

The first step in setting the tone for a clean machine is to organize your desktop. Create a filing system for your computer that includes easy retrieval of important information.

Documents you no longer need as a reference should be trashed. If the information is stored somewhere on the cloud, it should be trashed.

In today’s digital age, clutter makes no sense. There are a million places to send files you no longer want to think about.

9. Consider Upgrades

Depending on the type of Mac you own, you might be able to upgrade things like storage and memory to get faster processing power. This allows you to run professional-grade design software without closing every other app on your computer.

This option is recommended for anyone who depends on their laptop to produce content for work.

Easy Ways to Speed Up Your Mac

You can speed up your Mac using a few seconds of your time each day. Be aware of what’s running and when on your machine.

This simple awareness helps you stay away from a cluttered, poorly performing machine. For more information and tips, visit our blog for updates.


Staff Writer

All articles published by Staff Writer have been contributed by all our reporters and edited and proofread by our editorial team.
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