Are Human Jobs At Risk Because of AI? Well, We Asked AI Itself

Artificial Intelligence is probably one of the most important thing humanity has ever worked on. PHOTO Tara WinsteadPexels Artificial Intelligence is probably one of the most important thing humanity has ever worked on. PHOTO Tara WinsteadPexels
<center>Artificial Intelligence is probably one of the most important thing humanity has ever worked on. PHOTO Tara WinsteadPexels</center>

Let’s not pretend as if we didn’t see this coming. We know that technology evolves every single day — so Artificial Intelligence (AI) shouldn’t be something surprising to you. It gaining momentum, revolutionizing various industries, and changing the way we work. Way back in 2018, CEO of Google LLC & Alphabet Inc. Sundar Pichai while speaking at Davos said AI will be bigger than electricity or fire and he further went on to say that AI will save us not destroy us.

“AI is probably the most important thing humanity has ever worked on. I think of it as something more profound than electricity or fire,” he said. “Any time you work with technology; you need to learn to harness the benefits while minimizing the downsides.”

While some thinkers — notably Professor Stephen Hawking and Telsa & Twitter boss, Elon Musk — have warned that AI could wipe out mankind, Pichai was optimistic. He [Pichai] said that the technology could eliminate many of the constraints we now face. However, he did concede that the risks were “important”, and called for international cooperation to manage them.

In 2014, Elon Musk revealed that he is worried about an AI apocalypse. Musk made what might be the most controversial technology statement of his career: “We need to be super careful with AI. Potentially more dangerous than nukes.”

If you research, the history of artificial intelligence (AI) began in antiquity, with myths, stories, and rumors of artificial beings endowed with intelligence or consciousness by master craftsmen [according to Wikipedia]. So AI was there, it is not today’s thing — but according to an article by Rockwell Anyoha of Harvard University; The Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, AI was popularized in 2017, although it had been around since the 1950s and was popularized through science fiction.

Well, I don’t want to make this article long with who and when was invented AI, when was it popularized, pros and cons, blah… blah… blah. No. What I want to write about [well AI is going to write] is —are human jobs at stake because of AI? What jobs are at risk of being taken by AI that will see hundreds, thousands, or even millions of people lose their jobs to this technology?

In my chat with ChatGPT, I asked its “opinion” about why people think its existence is a threat to their jobs. I also asked it what jobs it thinks AI will take over and why it believes it will take these jobs.

Firstly, I asked, what is your opinion about why people think your existence is a threat to their jobs? It responds;

ChatGPT response on why people think its existence is a threat to their jobs. (screenshot: PC Tech Magazine)
ChatGPT response on why people think its existence is a threat to their jobs. (screenshot: PC Tech Magazine)

According to it (ChatGPT in the 2nd paragraph line 2 from the screenshot), AI is becoming increasingly advanced and can perform tasks that traditionally required human intelligence and decision-making. This could potentially lead to the displacement of certain jobs or entire industries.

Therefore, by automating previously time-consuming procedures, production time and employee work production has been altered for the better. Whether this be through software that automates even the most basic business procedures, or through chatbots on websites that can respond to customers’ queries automatically, day or night, AI has become less of a novelty and more of a requirement for leading businesses in the industry.

When I asked it what could be a very important question, What jobs are at risk of being taken by AI? Here’s its response;

AI technology has the potential to automate a wide range of tasks, which means that a variety of jobs may be at risk of being taken over by AI. Some examples of jobs that could be affected by AI include:

  1. Data entry and processing jobs: AI technology can quickly process large amounts of data and identify patterns, which could make data entry and processing jobs obsolete.
  2. Customer service and support jobs: AI chatbots and virtual assistants can handle basic customer inquiries and support tasks, potentially replacing human customer service representatives.
  3. Manufacturing and assembly line jobs: Robotic automation and AI-powered machines can perform repetitive tasks with speed and precision, which could replace human workers in some manufacturing and assembly line jobs.
  4. Transportation and logistics jobs: Self-driving vehicles and drones have the potential to automate transportation and logistics tasks, which could replace human drivers and delivery workers.
  5. Banking and finance jobs: AI-powered algorithms can analyze financial data and make investment decisions, potentially replacing some human financial analysts and advisors.
ChatGPT response on what jobs it thinks are at risk of being taken by AI. (screenshot: PC Tech Magazine)
ChatGPT response on what jobs it thinks are at risk of being taken by AI. (screenshot: PC Tech Magazine)

Those are the few it mentioned, but we believe there are more jobs that AI will take over considering that they are a number of employers laying off jobs to opt for this technology. However, ChatGPT still emphasizes that it’s important to note that AI is most effective when used in conjunction with human workers and that the impact of AI on the job market is complex and multifaceted. Some jobs may be entirely replaced by AI, while others may be augmented or transformed by the technology. Additionally, new jobs and industries may emerge as a result of AI development and implementation.

So, in the end, yes, human jobs are at risk because of AI, it says. In addition, new jobs and industries may emerge as a result of AI development and implementation.

ChatGPT says yes, human jobs are at risk of being taken up by AI. (screenshot/PC Tech Magazine)
ChatGPT says yes, human jobs are at risk of being taken up by AI. (screenshot/PC Tech Magazine)

In conclusion, there is no doubt that Artificial Intelligence is here to stay. It is definitely changing the business world and it is a key part of successful modern businesses.

The business world has reacted differently to the new developments taking place in the AI world. For some, AI represents a new form of challenge where machines take a more central role and this keeps human resources at the periphery. For others, AI is the tool that will simplify the process in the business through automation and improved efficiency. For now, most businesses are opting for the technology because failing to do so is relegating the business to the old and inefficient world.