How to Find Your Dream Job as a JavaScript Developer

IT job sites have thousands of job offers for JavasScript developers, such as React developer jobs. But how to choose one where you will be truly interested in working both in terms of growth and financial rewards? You need to find your dream job right now. And if you are a professional with experience, then finding the desired position is even easier. What exactly to do? We will tell you further.

JavaScript developer’s personal website

A web developer without a personal website is, unfortunately, all too common. You can create unique products, but they will not showcase your expertise to a potential customer in any way. Take the time and put all your talent and experience into a personal website where you post your portfolio, data, and reviews of completed projects.

Create a website as you see it, this will immediately make it clear to the employer what exactly you can do, how you see your work and its implementation.

Decide on the work format 

If you have an equal mix of creativity that keeps you stuck and logic that demands stability, don’t be discouraged. Almost all JavaScript developers are like that. Therefore, it is not easy for everyone to work in the office.

Ready to join a friendly team, want to communicate with colleagues, and feel like a member of the team every minute? Look for JavaScript developer jobs in the office.

If you can’t imagine visiting the office every day with its rules and standards, one of your options can be React developer remote jobs.

Want real variety? Do you have thousands of ideas in your head with the advent of each new project, but at the same time have a sufficient level of self-organization and time management? Node js freelance jobs will suit you.

Keep track of your social networks

For a true professional, social networks are an integral source of useful information, acquaintances, and opportunities. Advertise yourself, subscribe to profile pages and groups, make friends with colleagues, and communicate with like-minded people.

Today, a job offer, especially if it’s JavaScript developer jobs (remote) in social networks, is a common thing. But if you want the employer of your dreams to pay attention to you, follow the publications on your page. The rule here is: don’t post anything you don’t want to tell your boss about. The more professionally oriented your public profile is, the more likely it is that it will be of interest to a promising company.

Help others and learn from experience

Mutual assistance is an important part of the JavaScript developer community. Often, on forums and in social media groups, colleagues ask for help with difficult tasks or when they do not have time to complete the work on time. If you have the opportunity, please help. Today you help a colleague, and tomorrow a vacancy will appear at their company that can become your dream job, and they will recommend you for it. But at the same time, do not get hung up on it with selfish motives. Don’t forget that every task you complete is an experience gain: even if you are a confident middle-level software developer, an extra project won’t hurt you.

When looking for the job of your dreams, the list of requirements for candidates and their responsibilities in the description of Node js developer jobs can be intimidating. We will tell you a little secret: often recruiters make excessive demands in job posts on purpose. In fact, you do not have to perform a third of the tasks referred to in the vacancy. This is another test of professionalism and self-confidence. You are not the only one looking for the job of your dreams. Companies also want to hire an employee who will become valuable and even irreplaceable.