How Video Marketing Can Improve Your Website Conversion Rates

<center>(PHOTO BY: Phvntom)</center>

Video marketing has now become an essential tool for every savvy business, regardless of their size and the industry they belong to– from e-commerce businesses to even blockchain game companies. The reason is not that the video craze is an emerging trend, but videos are proven to be an effective marketing tool. Done right, it can improve the conversion rates up to 80%.

The beauty of video marketing is that it combines both audio and visual elements to break down even complex topics into smaller, much more digestible chunks. It means that when a visitor lands on your website or landing page, they don’t have to spend twenty minutes reading those bulk, text-heavy paragraphs before they convert. So, while videos help you to convey your messages better, they can also help the visitors to understand what your brand is all about effortlessly. It’s a win-win.

In this post, we’ll break down more in-depth how video marketing can improve your website conversion rates.

Videos Set Clear Expectations

Product descriptions sometimes just can’t describe the product well enough. In this case, videos do not only tell. They also show what your products look like in the real world. This way, the potential customer can see with their own eyes the real appearance and how to even use it. That’s how they know what to expect.

We can also say that videos are a powerful medium to build visitors’ trust. Once they know what they will get, they should have no problem converting into leads, prospects, or even paying customers.

Videos Are Highly Shareable

It only takes a minute to spread a video like a wildfire. You can create one video, post it on YouTube, embed it on your email marketing, add it to your landing pages, and more– just at your fingertips. The more you share, the higher your chances to reach more audiences, which also translates to more opportunities to boost your conversion rate.

Videos Tell Stories

Instead of delivering hard-selling messages to your potential customers, videos allow you to tell your brand story, so you can bring your products and services to vivid life.

From the history of your business, a day in the life of your team, or even behind the scenes of the production, you can evoke your audience’s emotions by crafting marketing videos that are inspiring, motivational, or tear-jerking. And through those intriguing stories, you will not only convince them to convert, but you’ll also be able to make them stick around your brand.

Videos Humanize Brands

In this fast-paced, ever-growing marketing field, it’s always better to also focus on creating brand-customer relationships to ensure your business longevity. After all, today’s customers can’t buy a new product every single day, but they will interact with the brand and build an emotional, more personal connection with them.

In this case, videos can help you to humanize your brands. It puts a face to your brand and makes your brand more approachable. You can use the video style, tone, language, and even stab at humor that matches your potential customers. This way, your potential customers can comfortably interact with you– because you are not faceless.

Videos Bost Your Online Presence

To improve your conversion rates, you have to get a decent amount of website traffic. And to generate more people visiting your website, you have to build a strong online presence. Videos can help you do that.

According to the statistics, a website with a video is 54 times more likely to appear on the top pages of SERPs, compared to those without one. The easier you make your business to be found by your potential customers, the higher your chances to make them convert.

Videos Make Your Brand More Trust-worthy

We’ve mentioned slightly before that videos are a powerful medium to build trust with your potential customers. When you invest in professional video production, it makes your brand look so authoritative and trusted. Remember that potential customers only interact and convert for a legit brand that they trust.

Wrapping Up
In this cut-throat digital marketing field, marketers should leave no stone unturned when it comes to engaging their potential customers and skyrocketing their conversion rates. Done right, videos can help them convince more visitors to convert. With all that said, there’s no such thing as an overnight success when it comes to video marketing in general. You can’t expect one single video or your first video ever can boost your conversion rates by 100%. Consistency and commitment play such a critical role here.