5 Ideation Tips For Creating Compelling Content

Social media is arguably one of the most influential revelations over the last 20 years. It has not only changed how people interact with each other but also how people receive information and how businesses engage with potential customers.

Before the pandemic, about 77% of US businesses were relying on social media to engage with their customers. This is critical because about 69% of adults use at least one social media site.

Does your business need compelling content to draw more people in? If so, you came to the right place. These are five ideation tips that you should use.

  1. Ask a Third Party 

One of the first things that you can do is escape your own head. You may be driving yourself crazy to come up with a good idea. The problem is, that you may develop tunnel vision in the process.

It may not be a bad idea to get a fresh perspective on your situation. They can view your situation and strategy with a clear and unbiased head. If you get the right third party involved with your content, they can give you ideas that you never considered.

  1. Use Keywords 

The next thing that you need to do is figure out which keywords are going to deliver the most search results and the most hits. Once you determine which words you want to use in your blog content, you can have a writer use a primary keyword and then secondary keywords along with that.

  1. Determine a Strategy 

Another thing that can help improve compelling ideation is to sit down and outline the strategy that you want to use for your campaign. You can use something called a content strategy map to simplify this.

Determine what customers you want to target, how you are going to reach out to them, what your content is going to be, and your expected results from a campaign.

  1. Think of a Writer’s Perspective 

If you are trying to use social media or blog content to gain attention for your product or service, you should consider trying to pick the brain of someone in the media. At the end of the day, members of the media can help gain a lot of attention for a business if the story is interesting enough.

As a business owner or manager, you need to think from their perspective and ask yourself why they should cover your product or service?

  1. Time It Right 

Finally, timing can be critical for your content to build momentum for your audience. An example would be releasing something for Christmas right around Black Friday instead of doing it in October when Halloween is still the most relevant holiday.

Figure out what the right timing would be for your campaign release and go from there.

See More Ideation Tips 

These are just five ideation tips that you can use to improve your content. Make sure to time it right, get other perspectives, find the right keywords, and come up with an outlined strategy.