3 Home Security Tips and Guidelines You Never Thought of

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<center>(PHOTO: Pixabay)</center>

In the past few years, a crime wave has swept the United States. If you are a homeowner, one of the main things you need to be concerned with is keeping your residence secure. Over 1 million burglaries occur in the United States every year. The longer you wait to secure your home, the harder it will be to avoid being burglarized.

One of the main things you need to do when trying to figure out where security vulnerabilities exist is inspecting your home. Developing a comprehensive checklist can help keep you on task during your home inspection.

There are a number of little-known home security tips that you need to put into use if you want to keep burglars at bay. Here are some security tips and guidelines you probably haven’t thought of and how to use them to make your home an impenetrable fortress.

1. Change Your Security System Code

Homeowners in the United States spend millions of dollars on security equipment every year. If you currently have a security system in place, you need to realize that alterations need to be made to keep this system secure. When a new security system is installed, default codes are used to get it up and running. A system code is a numeric sequence that allows the person using it to access various settings on the panel.

Some homeowners make the mistake of keeping these default codes in place. If a burglar has access to a list of default codes, they will be able to turn off your security system and gain access to your home. Rather than making it easy for a burglar to breach your security system, you need to choose a new and unique system code.

Doing some research on Honeywell system codes is crucial when trying to figure out the right new code for your system. Working with security professionals is vital when trying to get this code changed in a quick and efficient way. Changing your security code once or twice a year is also a great idea when trying to avoid problems.

2. New Locks Are a Great Investment

Around 5 million pre-existing homes are sold in the United States every year. If you have recently purchased a pre-existing home, now is the time to bulk up the security it has. One of the main mistakes new homeowners make is leaving the locks left by the previous owners in place. There is no way of knowing how many people have a key to these locks. Rather than leaving these locks in place, you need to remove this common vulnerability and invest in new locks.

If you want to modernize your lock solutions, then investing in an access control system is a great idea. These systems allow you to open a door lock with a specially designed plastic card. These cards can be added and removed from your system with the press of a button. With the help of a knowledgeable locksmith, you can get your existing locks replaced the right way.

3. Install New Exterior Lights

An overwhelming number of home burglaries take place at night. Most criminals prefer to move in the dark because it allows them to break into homes undetected. If the outside of your home is dark, now is the time to add some illumination.

With the addition of exterior lights, you can make it harder for criminals to infiltrate your home. Exterior lights also allow you to highlight the natural beauty your home has.

Now that you know more about how to secure your home, it is time to get to work. By using the suggestions in this article, you can make your home an impenetrable fortress.