Distance Is Not a Barrier: 8 Tips for Managing Remote Workers

When an employee works from home, there are a couple of things that improve productivity. (Photo by Nappy/ via Pexels) When an employee works from home, there are a couple of things that improve productivity. (Photo by Nappy/ via Pexels)
<center>When an employee works from home, there are a couple of things that improve productivity. (Photo by Nappy/ via Pexels)</center>

When an employee works from home, there are a couple of things that improve productivity. Consistent payroll management is one of the first noticeable improvements you can make. Other areas include better communication, and updating software. Remote workers can be efficient, they just need the right management to oversee the workload.

1. Clear Instructions

Unclear instructions lead to bad work that is delivered late. A worker has to understand their task before putting their all into completing it. They should also be aware that pushing forward with unclear instructions is not a valid excuse to turn in bad work.

2. Deadlines

Deadlines are important for both sides, especially the employee. Without a deadline, the worker has no idea how to optimize their task load. Having no deadlines leads to situations where a worker will have their entire schedule blown up to accommodate invisible deadlines. The end result is bad, and will end up with several work tasks being low quality.

3. Communication

Communication is everything in a work environment. Clear instructions are worthless if the lines of communication are not open. An employer should always have an open line to contact the employee about a task. Changes happen often, and wasting time on old information will frustrate both sides. With good communication, the employee and employer will always respond within 24 hours.

4. Set Expectations

Your expectations for a remote worker may change as the assignment grows. It’s important to voice expectations as they change rather than keeping to the original plan. So, if a deadline shifts from a Friday to a Thursday, let the employee know early in the week. By keeping expectations updated, you will never blindside the employee with unreasonable demands.

5. Organization

A synced calendar is one of the most important tools you’ll utilize when having a remote worker. It allows everyone involved to update their work status in real time. In situations where communication is an issue, a calendar can act as the bridge.

6. Keep Meetings Simple

Meetings that cover a bunch of agendas at once will lose the focus of all participants. Remote workers that aren’t focused on their task are more likely to make mistakes. Keep meetings on point so that the information can be digested for efficiency.

7. Check the Progress of Workers

Sometimes a worker needs to be told to slow down. When a remote worker is making too many mistakes with their assignments, then point it out. By letting them get too far ahead, they will get used to making the same mistakes in the future.

8. Listen to Complaints

When multiple workers complain about the same thing, then there is a problem. Software and hardware issues should never get in the way of work. If possible, ensure that the barrier to remote home work is not set too high.

Wrap Up

Once a remote worker is locked in, their home office becomes the perfect spot. It’s all about being comfortable and having access to normal work-related features. A happy remote worker in a positive environment is no different than any other employee.