How Unified Communications Can Help Pandemic Struck Businesses

The year 2020 has not been an easy one for many. More businesses than ever have moved their offices to remote working environments. Whilst for some, working from home can be natural, for others it may take time to adapt. Some offices may remain empty for months to come.

Moreover, businesses had to adapt their communications systems to suit the needs of their customers and employees. Whether that means automating phone systems or restructuring communications operations, things are not the same.

Impact struck businesses

For employees, collaboration and effective remote team working have become crucial when trying to retain top quality operations and communications whilst working remotely. Some organisations have discovered that employees find it frustrating having to continuously switch between messaging, emails and video conferences.

For customers, there has been a change in how easily they are able to reach different organisations. Some companies have reduced their contact centre staffing or directed incoming traffic to the website. Whilst an automated response might be saving time, it is no good to a customer if they have a specific issue which only a human can resolve.

Unified communications

Upgrading to a unified communications system can be an effective strategy to adopt which satisfies the needs of your diverse workforce and clientele. But what is it?

Unified communications can be classed as a system that integrates multiple communication methods within a business. This can mean unifying the different communications channels (such as video, SMS, email, social media) into one. This solution reduces the number of independent tools needed and increases the overall efficiency of operations. Providing better means for collaboration, it is known to deliver top quality customer service overall. 

Benefits of Unified communications

Sharing ideas in one streamlined interface is one of the key benefits that unified communications brings internally. The collaborative nature of this solution enables you to easily switch between different communications channels with just one click.

Ease of use means increased productivity and time efficiency. Teams are able to connect however they feel most comfortable, using any device they choose. Because employees can communicate and collaborate easily, customer problems can be solved instantly. This benefits the employees and the organisation as a whole.

Because unified communications systems operate on the cloud, it is cost per use. Meaning you are only paying for what is used. More so, with fewer initial expenses, cost efficiency is achieved.

Due to its innovative nature, system changes and upgrades can be easily integrated with no downtime. The platform’s versatility allows easy upgrades to follow, as soon as new tools and services become available. 

Most importantly, the accelerated speed of communications allows deepened relationships and faster decision-making processes to be delivered.

Soften the pandemic impact today

Does the above sound good? We think that this can really help improve your business communications system. Gamma specialises in unified communications systems for businesses. Whether you work in a public or private sector, there is an agile solution made for you, allowing greater operational flexibility, customer satisfaction and business growth.

The coronavirus pandemic has been harsh on everyone, but most particularly business owners. By adopting unified communications, you might be able to help soften the negative impact.