Search engine giant, Google has announced the launch of Activity Cards, a new feature of its search platform designed to help you resume your previous searches.
The new feature requires users to sign in to their Google account and they will then see an activity card at the top of their search showing what they have previously looked for. You’ll find links to pages you’ve visited in the past along with searches you’ve done.
Google explains that Activity cards are designed around the idea that searching — especially on mobile — is often a jumbled experience due to time constraints or other interruptions. At times, a user might leave open a browser tab in the background intending to return, but just start a new search in the future.
Google also mentions that there’s an option to add more pages to your activity card to a collection for later reading or reference. You can access your collections by tapping the menu on the top left of the Search page (on mobile web), or through the bottom bar of the Google app.
The new feature will roll out today on mobile web and the Google app in English in the U.S.