7 Ways You Can Protect Your Business from Threats Online

Every e-commerce site owner today knows how easy it is to set up an online business. But if you’re in the online marketing industry for years now, you might have a hint at how difficult it is to maintain a website. You need to keep up with the fast-changing algorithms of search engines and stay safe from frauds, copycats, and hacking.

In business, customers are considered as the lifeline of every business, in that sense, keeping your business safe from potential threats is very crucial. Once the customers feel unsatisfied with how their personal information is kept, it could result in losing customers and even potential customers. With the fast-growing numbers of e-commerce businesses, this aspect shall be a priority. E-commerce businesses must establish a very strong website security in order to assure the customers that their personal information is safe from frauds and hackers.

So how do you keep your business from potential threats online? Here are 7 ways to help you protect your e-commerce site from cyber attacks:

  1. Trademark your business logo/name. The first thing that a business owner should consider is to make sure their company name is officially a registered trademark. It’s not enough to get a domain and form a corporation or LLC, you need to secure that your business name is a trademark. This will protect you from infringers, copiers, and anyone who wants to capitalize on your brand.
  2. Set up a site on a trusted platform. Two of the best e-commerce platforms business owners use are Shopify and BigCommerce. If you use these platforms, you’ll have to pay people to build your online store and manage security features. An excellent provider will make sure your store is safe from any security threats while implementing solutions to resolve problems.
  3. Use Secure Sockets Layer. SSL serves as a standard security technology to establish encrypted links between a browser and the web server. An encrypted link will make sure that your information is transmitted privately. SSLs are important in any e-commerce transactions as they help secure personal data and sensitive financial information throughout the online buying process.
  4. Comply with PCI DSS for secure online payments. E-commerce sites must be PCI DSS compliant in order to safely process payments. Payment integrators such as Braintree and Stripe are capable of encrypting and storing credit card details for you. As a result, sensitive payment information is not stored on your site.
  5. Update your website regularly. What makes e-commerce websites an easy target for cybercriminals is the unpatched extensions and apps. By simply using an automated web crawler, it’s easy for hackers to find websites with unpatched apps. So keep your site updated with security patches on a regular basis.
  6. Require unique passwords. Hackers combine letters and numbers to crack a website’s password. To prevent them from accessing your database, make sure to use a strong password with extra layers of security systems. You can use longer passwords with symbols and uppercase letters.
  7. Understand fraud trends. The best way to prevent fraud is to know the elements and signs. Be wary of email usernames, customer order histories, and domain names. Fraudsters usually target items of high value. Always check your customer data and other important information.

In addition, employees also play a big role in protecting businesses from threats online. Awareness and adequate knowledge about cybersecurity will greatly help them fight cybercriminals. You can find a lot of cybersecurity training suitable for your business by clicking here.

These are just some ways that could help you on how to protect your e-commerce site from cybercriminals. You must always keep in mind how fast technology changes progressively as hackers might always be one step ahead of you. Knowing and understanding how to rightfully protect your business is very essential and could lead to a successful e-commerce business.
