Top 5 Uses of Python

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Python is a buzzword in every programmer’s dictionary today. So, why the hype around Python? Let us start by understanding what is Python? It is an Open-Source, Object Oriented Programming language which is simple and easy to understand. It has an equally simple syntax which comes with a vast library of tools that makes Python a highly robust and extensible programming language.

One of the main advantages of learning Python is in creating highly readable codes that save on time and resources making it easy to understand and implement. These factors have seen Python become one of the most widely used languages in the market today. From Web apps to Artificial Intelligence, the applications of Python are endless.

Let’s look at the top five industries that are making use of this robust and dynamic language.

Python in Artificial Intelligence (AI):

Python is fast, scalable, robust and platform agnostic. These advantages make Python a perfect fit for AI. Using Python, you can replicate every idea with a few lines of code which is not possible with other languages. It provides libraries such as ‘Keras’ and ‘TensorFlow’ that bring out machine learning functionalities. Also, the libraries provided by Python like – ‘Scikit learn’ is highly used in AI algorithms. Scikit is a free machine learning library featuring various regression, classification and clustering algorithms. Above all, Python is a free Open-Source language with a good community support. All these reasons combined makes learning Python an easy choice over other languages for AI applications.

Python in Big Data

Python is extensively used for analyzing huge chunk of data and extracting useful insights to drive businesses. Apart from its simplicity which is a great boon, Python also has an exhaustive set of Data Processing libraries. This makes Python a no-brainer for any organization looking to work with data. Libraries like ‘Pydoop’ is of great help to professionals as you can write a MapReduce code in Python and process the data in the HDFS cluster. Other libraries such as ‘Dask’ and ‘Pyspark’ make Data Analysis and management even easier. Python is fast and highly scalable. These features help Python in generating insights in real-time environments and making it one of the preferred languages for Big Data.

Python in Data Science:

Learning Python is of great importance to Data Science professionals. Ever since the introduction of numerical engines of Python like ‘Pandas’ and ‘NumPy’, academic scholars and researchers have switched to Python from MATLAB.

Python also deals with the tabular, matrix as well as statistical data and it even visualizes it with popular libraries such as ‘Matplotlib’ and ‘Seaborn‘.

Python in Testing Frameworks:

Testing is another industry that is seeing an increase use of Python language. Python is great for validating ideas or products for established companies. Python has many built-in testing frameworks that handles debugging and offers fast workflows and execution. Testing tools like ‘Unittest’, ‘Pytest’ and ‘Nose test’ makes testing easier and hassle-free.  It supports cross-platform & cross-browser testing with different frameworks such as ‘PyTest’ and ‘Robot’. Testing can be a challenging task for organization. With Python the process is made a lot simpler. Leveraging these and many more uses of Python is essential for a tester.

Python in Web Development:

The simple fact that Python lets you build a lot more with a fewer lines of code makes it stand out. This helps in building prototypes efficiently and during debugging these codes. The Django framework provided by Python is a boon for all developers as it can be used to create dynamic and highly secure web apps. By learning Python, you can also perform web scraping, allowing you to fetch details from other websites. Apps such as Instagram, Bit Bucket, Pinterest are built on frameworks like these.

Uses and applications of Python lie far beyond the above-mentioned fields – from game development to Data Visualization, from Networking to general software development. The applications of Python are aplenty. This is one of the most recommended languages to learn and master if you are looking to make a career in leading technologies. The job market trend shows that the demand for Python professionals is expected to grow exponentially in the near future. Leverage this surge in demand and start learning Python here. All the best!