An Online Regional Statistics Database (RegionSTAT EAC Database) was today launched in Nairobi, by Kenya’s Principal Secretary East African Affairs, Commerce and Industry, during the meeting of the EAC Sectoral Committee on Statistics.
The EAC Secretariat in collaboration with the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) developed the Regional Statistics Database (RegionSTAT EAC Database), which provides an online one-stop centre for statistical data on food and agriculture in the bloc.
The database will facilitate exchange of information among the EAC Partner States on agriculture statistics and will ultimately provide the required indicators for monitoring and evaluation of the EAC food action plan.
The database automatically aggregates the Agricultural Statistics Indicators published in the CountrySTAT web sites of EAC Partner States. The model database is up and running and can be accessed online at
The launch of the RegionSTAT EAC Database was attended by the Heads and senior officials of Statistical Institutions in the EAC Partner States, representatives from FAO, CountrySTAT Coordinators, and officers from the EAC Secretariat.