Fire Monkey (iOS/Android)
Publisher(s) Electronic Arts
Once again, Electronic Arts, the publishers of Criterion Games’ Need For Speed Most wanted have made yet another mark in the gaming industry with the announcement of the New Need For Speed Most wanted, Though this is obviously a racing game, the first, most noticeable aspect of Most Wanted is the story and presentation. The game is draped in a crazily chromed out, sepia-tone landscape of industrial structures, and populated with heavily bloom-lit FMV characters. The first time you see the story being told, like me, you will probably gasp in horror,even when you have never played the game itself.
Having had some bit of fun with the original Need For speed Most wanted,there appears to have been a craving for an even bigger and better version which prompted Criterion Games to work on a newer version. In an announcement on 4 June 2012, during EA’s E3 press conference, Most Wanted was the nineteenth title in the long-running Need For Speed series and would be released worldwide for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PlayStation Vita as well as iOS, beginning in North America on 30 October 2012, which is only a few weeks away. The game will pick up on the Most Wanted IP, as opposed to the Hot Pursuit reboot that Criterion developed previously.
Need for Speed: Most Wanted takes on the gameplay style of the first Most Wanted title in the Need for Speed franchise. It allows players to select one car and compete against other racers to reach a destination. Cops are integrated into certain racing sessions, in which the police deploy vehicles and tactics to stop the player’s car and arrest the player, like the original Most Wanted. The single-player section will feature a Blacklist of 10 racers, similar to the single-player section of the original Most Wanted, which featured 15 Blacklist racers. This time, however, the setting is not Rockport with the cop cars being from the “RPD”; instead, it is now set in a place called Fairhaven City with the cops being FCPD.
The game will use Autolog, the competition-between-friends system developed by Criterion forNeed For Speed Hot Pursiut, and since used in other titles in the Need for Speed series. Autolog in Most Wanted plays a larger role and gives more information to players. Activities in-game allow players to earn Speed Points which can boost players up on the Most Wanted list. Autolog recommendations have now been integrated into the game world, rather than sit externally on the menu system.
Most Wanted features a new social system called Cloudcompete, which strings together Most Wanted across all platforms in an inspired example of cross-compatibility. One profile will be used for all versions of the game, allowing the player to rank up on one format and continue progress on another.
The release dates In North America,Australia and Europe were announced as 30 October 2012, 1 November 2012 and 2 November 2012 Respectively. However, the African game lovers have also not been left out since the game can be pre-ordered on the official Need For Speed Website with the Xbox,Playstation and PC download versions.