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I’ve been inspired!

I love the quality in this magazine, your team is very smart, you have opened IT doors in EastAfrica, just like someones quotation” where the smart work, doors are opened.” I have a passion for the persons you interview and their experiences in the IT field. We have been motivated especially i as an individual, initially i had left coding for tough gentlemen but after reading that inspiring story about coding in your magazine, ooooh my… am down writing lines of code for some project.

Thank you for making us especially we the ladies feel that we can do best in that programming area. Programming is for everyone. It is my humble request that you go back to the roots, involve Primary, secondary schools (here, especially for girls), Universities and have the young give their say about ICT. This is an opportunity for the Africa to have career guidance to this wonderful field. People out there need to know the best technology ever through the one and only magazine, Long live PC Tech!

Bitamisi Hernrietah