Aircom Systems Now The Official Distributor of Cambium Networks

Aircom Systems Limited a leading company in the technology sector expanded its business relationship with Cambium Networks (NASDAQ: CMBM), a leading global provider of innovative end-to-end wireless connectivity systems.

With this agreement announced in September 2021, Aircom Systems Limited is authorized to distribute and promote its wide variety of wireless connectivity solutions in the East African Territory of Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi, D.R. Congo, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, and Malawi.

With over 11 years experience of serving the East African market, Aircom Systems intends to use a network of resellers made up of ISPs, Telecom companies, Managed Service Providers, and System integrators to reach its target market.

Aircom Systems Limited helps businesses realize the Promise of Technology. It delivers a full spectrum of global technology and supply chain services to businesses around the world. Deep expertise in technology solutions, mobility, cloud, and supply chain solutions enables its business partners to operate efficiently and successfully in the markets they serve. Unrivaled agility, deep market insights, and the trust and dependability that come from decades of proven relationships set Ingram Micro apart and ahead.

“We are pleased to start the distribution of Cambium Networks’ platforms. Its network solutions align with our current wireless communications portfolio and deliver more comprehensive connectivity solutions. The ongoing support and expertise Cambium Networks gives its partners are also extremely valuable, and we look forward to helping to connect currently unconnected enterprises of all sizes and verticals across the region,” said Mr. Murali, Aircom Systems Ltd Managing Director.

“Aircom Systems Limited brings a formidable partner network and enterprise networking footprint in the region. Aircom Systems’ strong presence locally in the EAC markets, coupled with Cambium’s disruptive enterprise offerings and existing wireless deployments in these markets, will make for a successful alliance,” said Cambium Networks’ Regional Vice President for Europe, Middle East, and Africa, Martín de la Serna.

Aircom Systems distribution partnerships deliver wireless communications that work for businesses, communities, and cities Africa wide. Millions of our radios are deployed to connect people, places, and things with a unified wireless fabric that spans multiple standards and frequencies of fixed wireless and Wi-Fi, all managed centrally via the cloud. Our multi-gigabit wireless fabric offers a compelling value proposition over traditional fiber and alternative wireless solutions. We work with our Cambium-certified Connected Partners to deliver purpose-built networks for service provider, enterprise, industrial, and government connectivity solutions in urban, suburban, and rural environments, with wireless that just works.

With lingering effects of the COVID pandemic, 2021 was a difficult year. Cambium Networks correctly predicted that remote work was not going away and that people would migrate out of the congested city centers. We also predicted a growth in private broadband networks. On the technology front, they foresaw that millimeter-wave technology would have an impact on city centers, which is starting to appear.

In Uganda, users saw improvement and expansion of wireless microwave broadband internet across several locations outside the city center to mainly residential areas.

According to industry experts, 2022 will see continued demand for high-performance wireless broadband driving the deployment of hybrid wireless/wired networks for service providers and enterprise private networks. Adoption of Wi-Fi 6 technology and the opening up of the 6 GHz frequency bands will drive rapid adoption. Specifically:

  1. Hybrid networks (combination of fixed wireless and wired) will become the mainstream network architecture, regardless of funding model – not just in rural areas but in suburban and urban as well. It’s simply a matter of economics (when it can be wireless, it will be wireless) and time to deployment (we can’t wait years for wired networks).
  2. Wi-Fi 6 adoption will grow exponentially, pushed by the shortages in Wi-Fi 5 chipsets, and fueled by iPhone 12/13 adoption. Also, most Wi-Fi 5 based access points will be discontinued (End of Life announced) during 2022. Intelligent and connected home devices will continue to proliferate, continuing to drive demand for bandwidth.
  3. National, state, and local government connectivity will grow. Smart city / safe city applications will remain front and center for every municipal government. Healthcare applications will continue to propel the need for increased bandwidth. As such, the challenging terrain will drive many network extensions to be wireless.
  4. Adoption of 6 GHz will be fast with brief Proof of Concept (PoC) trials which are well underway.
  5. Millimeter-wave adoption will be rapid as network operators have more options in 60 GHz and 5G fixed 28 GHz, frequency bands. For both service providers and enterprises, hybrid networks of 5G, fiber, fixed 5G, and fixed wireless technologies will provide increased end-user capacity and reliability while delivering a solid business case.

In 2022, Uganda continues to experience some of the most profound changes we saw in the past year, including new spectrum allocations and supply chain challenges.

There will also be continued increasing demand for high-speed connectivity at home to meet the needs of remote work, distance learning, better entertainment, and fulfilling the dream of a smarter home.

Even though the economy has “fully opened”, all tech-savvy workers have realized new ways to work from home, hotel, or happening place.

All the above can be designed using Cambium Networks Specialised free software tools, such as Link Planner, Wi-Fi designer cnHeat, and Value Profiler.

One thing remains true. Technology innovation in the wireless space will continue to accelerate in 2022 to bring more affordable high-speed internet to more locations to improve communities.

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