Ministry of ICT, UCC & Buganda Kingdom Agree to Promote Digital Literacy and Innovations

UCC Ag. Executive Director, Irene Kaggwa Sewankambo (L) and the 2nd Deputy Katikkiro Owek Robert Waggwa Nsibirwa (R) display the MoUs after signing while other officials look on. (COURTESY PHOTO) UCC Ag. Executive Director, Irene Kaggwa Sewankambo (L) and the 2nd Deputy Katikkiro Owek Robert Waggwa Nsibirwa (R) display the MoUs after signing while other officials look on. (COURTESY PHOTO)
<center>UCC Ag. Executive Director, Irene Kaggwa Sewankambo (L) and the 2nd Deputy Katikkiro Owek Robert Waggwa Nsibirwa (R) display the MoUs after signing while other officials look on. (COURTESY PHOTO)</center>

The Ministry of ICT and National Guidance and Uganda Communications Commission (UCC) have signed Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs) with the Buganda Kingdom to promote digital literacy, productive internet usage, and technological innovations.

During an event at Bulange Mengo, the Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of ICT and Buganda Kingdom that was signed last month was launched, and a separate MoU was signed with UCC.

UCC Ag. Executive Director, Irene Kaggwa Sewankambo (L) and the 2nd Deputy Katikkiro Owek Robert Waggwa Nsibirwa (R) signs an MoU with while other officials look on. (COURTESY PHOTO)
UCC Ag. Executive Director, Irene Kaggwa Sewankambo (L) and the 2nd Deputy Katikkiro Owek Robert Waggwa Nsibirwa (R) signs an MoU while other officials look on. (COURTESY PHOTO)

In attendance at the signing of the MoU were the; Minister of State for ICT, Hon. Joyce Nabbossa Ssebugwawo, the Permanent Secretary for the Ministry ICT and National Guidance, Dr. Aminah Zawedde, UCC Ag. Executive Director Irene Kaggwa Sewankambo, and the 2nd Deputy Katikkiro of Buganda Kingdom, Owek Robert Waggwa Nsibirwa.

The pact between UCC and Buganda Kingdom seeks to establish a working relationship between the two parties in a bid to deepen access to and use of ICT’s.

The agreement further seeks to enhance access to accurate information and to enable access and usage of ICT infrastructure such as resource centers and computer laboratories, among others. In addition, digitize the cultural content to enhance tourism.

In its Five-Year Strategic Plan (Namutayiika 2018-2023), Buganda Kingdom has made it a priority to educate and sensitize the people of Buganda on matters concerning technology and digital literacy, as a strategy to leverage ICTs to improve their quality of life.

The Ag. ED said the partnership between was an easy decision to make, considering the alignment of ICT development objectives for both parties. “I wish to commend the leadership of Buganda Kingdom for being visionary. It is evident that to make our young people competitive in the job market and in the global village, ICTs are critical,” She said.

Overall improvement in access to ICTs is instrumental in contributing to the management of common economic and social problems. However, the significance of ICTs for development depends on how these can be integrated into the livelihood strategies of the people. It is therefore imperative that all stakeholders jointly strive to increase the opportunities for utilizing ICTs and ICT solutions by communities, including the poor, the users in remote areas, and other disadvantaged groups.