5 Email Marketing Automations Before the Holiday Season

(PHOTO: Jack Moreh) (PHOTO: Jack Moreh)
<center>(PHOTO: Jack Moreh)</center>

Emailing is essential ahead of the holiday season. Christmas Day is coming very soon, followed by New Year’s Eve. Online retailers have a ton of offers for their customers: special shipping deals, guides for gifts and home furnishings for the holidays, and more. The sales season will begin very soon and users will be eager to browse emails from stores for inspiration and the best prices.

Users continue to make many purchases online due to the tense epidemiological situation in the world and try to protect themselves in any possible way. In this regard, stores must prepare interesting offers that will entice many buyers.

To notify buyers, you can automate an email newsletter. It can help you show your brand the best it can, offer personalized recommendations, and build strong relationships with your loyal customers.

In this article, we’ve prepared 5 essential email campaigns that you can automate today to get ready for the holidays.

Make acquaintance with the interested buyers

By subscribing to your store’s newsletter, customers consciously want to receive exclusive offers from you and be the first to know about promotional events. As such, it would be a good idea to greet potential customers and provide them with the most relevant information and activities of the moment those readers may be interested in. So that they go to your site and make a purchase.

At the initial stage, it is important to mention in the mailing list who you are and what you offer, tell about the range of your products, and also ask the user’s preferences to offer more interesting messages in the future.

The first step is to introduce the user to the best-selling products. It is important to provide high-quality photos and focus on products by removing distracting backgrounds with Retoucher Online. Offer to take a survey to identify the needs of each customer.

Abandoned cart reminder

Online retailers often face the fact that many shoppers leave the website without making a purchase, leaving items in their shopping cart.

Someone could be distracted, someone was not satisfied with the price or delivery, and someone wants to wait for discounts on the goods of interest. There can be many reasons.

You can automate the newsletter to remind customers about the forgotten items in the shopping cart. Such emails grab attention and help stores generate potential lost profits. You can simply remind customers about the products, or you can offer a limited-time discount on the products to make sure you get the profit you want.


Availability of goods

During the season of sales and holidays, many buyers are faced with the fact that the desired products are out of stock and users leave the site without placing an order. A series of these automated emails will let shoppers know that they can finally buy these items.

You can add an alert function to your site when the product is back in stock so that the buyer receives an email and returns to shop on your site.

During the sales season, each store must have a large number of popular items in stock so that customers do not turn to other online stores.

Automate post-purchase reminders

Every online retailer is interested in increasing the number of loyal customers. Setting up automatic messaging after purchase can help you with this.

Implementing a post-sale series will help you segment your customers so that you can automatically send them the most relevant messages that might lure them. This will also help you get people to come back to your site, motivate shoppers to make their next purchase, get feedback from your customers, and create a positive user experience.

Related product email

After placing an order, you can send your customers a newsletter with an offer of products related to the purchased product. For example, if a customer has purchased a coffee machine, invite him to pay attention to the purchase of capsules for coffee machines, cleaning tablets, a refrigerator for milk, and more.

This will help you ensure a personalized experience for each customer, as well as increase repeat purchases.

Before the holidays start, online retailers should mobilize their energies to attract the attention of more users. Create automated emails to help remind customers of your company and build trust in you.