Shoprite Now Accepts MomoPay as a Medium of Payment

Steven Nsubuga (L) Segment Manager Mobile Financial Services at MTN Uganda and Isaac Tegule; Brand & Communications Marketing Manager (right) watch keenly as Jayte Slabbert, Shoprite Uganda General Manager demonstrates how to use Momopay. Steven Nsubuga (L) Segment Manager Mobile Financial Services at MTN Uganda and Isaac Tegule; Brand & Communications Marketing Manager (right) watch keenly as Jayte Slabbert, Shoprite Uganda General Manager demonstrates how to use Momopay.
<center>Steven Nsubuga (L) Segment Manager Mobile Financial Services at MTN Uganda and Isaac Tegule; Brand & Communications Marketing Manager (right) watch keenly as Jayte Slabbert, Shoprite Uganda General Manager demonstrates how to use Momopay.</center>

Telecommunication firm; MTN Uganda on Tuesday announced its partnership with Shoprite — that will see customers pay for their products using MTN’s cashless payment mode; MomoPay.

Christopher Ssali, Act. Senior Manager, Mobile Financial Services Products at MTN Uganda speaking to press at Shoprite Lugogo, said that more people are choosing MomoPay since it is a better way of paying for goods and services.

Launched in Aug. 2018, MomoPay registers over 80,000+ merchants — including supermarkets, pharmacies, restaurants, hardware shops, fuel stations, salons among others.

MomoPay is MTN’s latest addition to Mobile Money’s arsenal to help combat the pain experienced by customers when making transactions. Since the launch, the telco has pushed the wallet across the country. MTN has recently toured Lira, Mbarara, Fort Portal to launch the wallet.

Over the next months, MTN is still looking to recruit merchants and where the MomoPay will be displayed means payments are now acceptable.

It’s with no doubt that the Uganda’s economy is closer to going cashless. Companies such as; Stanbic Bank, MTN, Safeboda, to mention a few — are highly encouraging and pushing its customers cashless.

“More people today are embracing cashless payments,” Ssali said.

He further empahized that the telco is committed to simplifying financial transactions by enabling people to transact comfortably and conveniently.

“This we believe will play a part in ensuring Uganda transforms into a cashless economy in line with governments efforts towards middle income status,” he said.

Christopher Ssali (L) Act. Senior Manager Financial Services at MTN Uganda receives his shopping bags from Jayte Slabbert, Shoprite Uganda General Manager (2nd left) as Sumayah Kyewalyanga (3rd left) Corporate Account Manager looks on.
Christopher Ssali (L) Act. Senior Manager Financial Services at MTN Uganda receives his shopping bags from Jayte Slabbert, Shoprite Uganda General Manager (2nd left) as Sumayah Kyewalyanga (3rd left) Corporate Account Manager looks on.

MTN has installed POS systems in all Shoprite outlets that will see customers transact through the MomoPay wallet. Customers have to let the teller no s/he is paying using MomoPay. The whole process doesn’t take more than 1 or 2 minutes. Thus, its effective and fast.

However, to other merchants that don’t posses POS systems, customers follow the *165*3# procedure to complete the transaction.