Is it Becoming The Most Hated App or it’s The Most Hated App

Boda Boda riders operating around the city centers of Kampala, Uganda.(Photo Courtesy: RFI) Boda Boda riders operating around the city centers of Kampala, Uganda.(Photo Courtesy: RFI)
<center>Boda Boda riders operating around the city centers of Kampala, Uganda.(Photo Courtesy: RFI)</center>

We’re talking about the Taxify ride-hailing app. Is it ‘becoming’ the most hated—or it’s the ‘most’ hated ride-hailing application?

The Taxify app is reported to be Africa’s fastest-growing ride-hailing application. On the other hand, it turns out to be also the ‘most’ hated ride-hailing application—or becoming the fastest hated ride-hailing application. Why is that? In our opinion, the biggest issue at hand is customer care service.

I will narrow this down to Taxify Uganda, although it’s reported in Countries like Kenya, and Nigeria are facing the same issue at hand. Bad/worst customer care service.

The Estonia-based transportation firm expanded its services in Africa in 2017—in major cities of Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa, Uganda, among others. It launched in Uganda in October 2017 after successful launch in Nairobi and Lagos. Taxify then came second after Uber—who launched in June 2016.

Taxify services that begun with/limited-to — cab services, expanded to moto-taxi services as well, to compete with Safeboda. They launched their service a month before UberBoda. Integrating the moto-taxi hailing option right in the original app, than having a standalone app.

With all this competition at hand — safeboda, uber, and other ride-hailing firms, as well the normal public transportation services, Taxify had enticing offers that drew a good number of customers on its side. Well, all was going on well till its (Taxify) riders started misbehaving. It’s reported the riders were hiking the prices of the trip to what the app was estimating. How? Presenting billed screen shots from their previous trips—to their clients, starting off trips before picking up the customer, and negotiating on the price to pay from what the app estimates.

Apparently, the riders claimed the weren’t getting enough from the app. They further stated that the fuels prices weren’t favoring them—that spent a lot on fuel, and getting less from the company. It comes to our notice that the Taxify gets 15% commission off the trips its riders make. Which apparently is good, looking at the fact that—its reported that its competitors like Safeboda charge up-to 30%.

Therefore, price is key in all this ‘mess’, adding on the poor customer care service — then worsens everything to being a hated service. Other factors like, poor hygiene has also been brought out by the consumers while others report that some of the riders don’t obey traffic rules and regulations. Are these some of the reasons why the app is — ‘becoming’ the most hated or the ‘most’ hated ride-hailing app.

Meanwhile, micro-blogging website, Twitter has then become the arena for the customers outcry.

Pricing Trips
Taxify customers have a number of times reported to the company about how its riders are hiking/requesting for money cash than what the app has estimated. Some have reported that some of the riders even start the trip before reaching the customer. However, this kind of compliant has also been seen with some of Safeboda, and Uberboda riders. One reason to anger the customers.

Taxify riders have also mastered the technique of presenting billed screen shots of previous trips to customers, which does work on naive customers.

Twitter user, Alvin (@musiime_vin), tweeted saying, quote “But @Taxify_ug drivers are becoming stupid. Guy instead of showing us what we are meant to pay. He was showing us an old screenshot thinking we are naive or something…”

Hiking prices from the app estimate to an imaginable price has angered customers. Twitter user, banda’s-finest (@patsy127t), said her trip cost was tripled from UGX6500 to UGX20300. “I almost fainted, she said.”

Taxify customers are reporting, deleting the company’s application opting for better services from its competitors Safeboda and Uberboda.

Poor Customer Care
Taxify Uganda’s customer care service is totally poor. Most of its customers have complained a lot about their customer care, who claim the ride-hailing firm doesn’t respond to customers complaints immediately as its done by its competitors. Customers complaints are respond to with auto generated replies, like;

“We’re really sorry to hear about this, we are constantly looking at finding ways to improve our service. Please do share any ideas which you think might be helpful in improving the experience with Taxify.”

Twitter user Raheem (@i_am_raheem), tweeted saying, quote, “That’s Taxify!!! Terrible experience I had two days ago with them, and they don’t even have the courtesy to respond to my DM.”

One other Twitter user, Poetic Justice (@Austyn_Machel), said Taxify Kenya also does have poor customer service. He said in a tweet, that;

With such issues, Taxify Uganda is being hated gradually. The company should by now that no its customer care service oughts to be worked on. The company is reported not to even have a direct call line.

Poor Hygiene
Customers complain how Taxify rider’s hygiene is poor. Some have gone a head to ask whether the riders have a bath before going to work or even take a time off to have their moto-cycles cleaned. Hygiene is a priority most of these riders have failed to comply with. It’s rival Safeboda, ensures to see that its riders do put hygiene a priority. During their teaching-classes, the Orange-based Bukoto firm, teaches its riders on why hygiene is essential.

With that all said, what does future hold for Taxify in Uganda. At the rate the company is losing its customers to its competitors, and if they don’t change, they might in one way or the other lose its ride-hailing market in Uganda — especially its moto-taxi option.

Riders are reported to be dropping out from the company for unfavorable conditions. The company now in new reports is looking for a new Country Manager after Julian Byamugisha reassigned. One of the responsibilities the manager will have, is to ensure Taxifiy constantly increase their supply base.

More ride-hailing services are launching to compete for the market. If Taxify doesn’t change sooner, its competitors will benefit.[related-posts]

What has Taxify Uganda, to solve some of these issues from becoming the hated ride-hailing app, We shall have a follow up article.