How to Set Up a New PC?

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Bought that new PC you always wanted but wondering how you can set it up?

Buying a new computer is definitely a cause for celebration. No more is your PC going to hang up on you midway during a critical update. It’s going to be smooth sailing from now on, and you can even try out new things like a Betway online casino anytime. So, how can you get things started?

The Top Tips to Set up a New PC

Yes, the primary challenge is to know how to set up your PC. Don’t worry –we can help you.

1.    Update Windows on your new PC:

This is the most important, yet the most tiresome step of the process and can sometimes take up to hours. Connect your PC to the internet and click on the start menu. In the settings option, click on check for updates. The windows update will now take place automatically.

2.    Install a browser:

Of course. How else are you going to dive into the vast world of the internet without a browser? Choose from the likes of Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and more.

3.    Install and update the security system on your PC:

The most essential task once you get an internet browser is to have good quality updated security systems on your PC. Use of antivirus is mandatory if you don’t want the data stored on your computer to be hacked using a virus, only for your personal information to be used for malicious intent.

4.    Clean your new PC:

Often, the company that makes your PC puts in unnecessary updates and software on your computer that you have no use of. This software only ends up using the space that might have otherwise have been used for better purposes. Thus, cleaning up your new PC is mandatory to help save space on your computer.

5.    Install new software:

Now that you have deleted all unnecessary files and folders from your laptop, it is time for you to install new software that you might actually need for your day today working with the computer. MS Office, Adobe Reader, maybe an Adobe Photoshop, depending on the kind of work you do on your computer, you can install the necessary software, as per your will.

6.    Back up:

The last and final step which is also very crucial. Many of us tend to forget taking a backup only to end up crying when they lose important data when their system fails to function. To avoid a situation like that, it is advisable to always keep a backup of your computer ready with you at all times.

Now that you know all the steps to set up a new PC, don’t just linger. Go get your new baby all shiny and fixed up. Your computer is going to be your constant companion in all spheres of work, and it is only in your best interest to look after it well.