Telegram Finally Graduates its Desktop Version to v1.0 with a Fabulous New Design

Telegram desktop app for MAC. Image Credit: Telegram desktop app for MAC. Image Credit:
Telegram desktop app for MAC. Image Credit:

Just earlier this month, Telegram introduce two new updates for it’s mobile app to version v.3.16. One: that allows Telegram users to retract to sent messages within 48 hours, and Two: the Network Usage Section update that allows users to keep track of their data consumption on various network modes.

Mid this week, the platform since 2013, it has finally received its first major release upgraded to it’s desktop app platform to version v1.0. With the v1.0 update for Windows, Linux, and Mac, gets a material design look, smooth animations, and support for custom themes.

Custom Support Theme feature
If you’re looking for an alternative design, Telegram Desktop allows supports customized themes. Anyone can make a theme for Telegram Desktop. This theme, for example, changes green outgoing messages to blue, and the Dark Theme.

Auto Syncs Messages feature
The Telegram Desktop automatically syncs messages from your phone with your computer using Telegram’s encrypted cloud. All you have to do is install the app and log into their account and all of their messages, documents, photos and videos will be synced from the cloud.

The Telegram app is already available for download for Windows, Mac, and Linux versions.

source: Telegram Newsroom