200 million alleged Yahoo accounts being sold by Hacker

A challenge to the hackers. Image Credit: V3 A challenge to the hackers. Image Credit: V3

Do you remember ‘Peace’ a known hacker who has previously broken into MySpace and LinkedIn?

He is back again, selling what is said to be the account information of 200 million Yahoo users on the dark Web.

The hacker has put Yahoo credentials up for sale on a hacker’s marketplace called The Real Deal.

Yahoo says they are aware of his claim though they can not ascertain if the data is correct.

The data includes birthdates, usernames, passwords and in some cases the back-up email used for the account.

Acooring to Peace, the data is from “2012 most likely,” and is asking 3 Bitcoins(roughly $1,800) for the lot.

Motherboard has tested dozens of usernames on Yahoo and found most of them to be active.