How to Save Your Yahoo Messenger Chats

Yahoo Messenger users have been automatically redirected to Yahoo Squirrel following the shut down of the application after 20 years of its service. (Image Courtesy) Yahoo Messenger users have been automatically redirected to Yahoo Squirrel following the shut down of the application after 20 years of its service. (Image Courtesy)
<center>Yahoo Messenger users have been automatically redirected to Yahoo Squirrel following the shut down of the application after 20 years of its service. (Image Courtesy)</center>

The 20 year old Yahoo Messenger (YM), the pioneering messaging app that changed the way we communicated over the internet, was officially brought to rest on July 17th, 2018 while its users were automatically redirected to Squirrel. Users can now no longer access their chats as the service will no longer work even when you’ve the app installed on your device since they won’t be in position to login.

However, the company has given its users a chance, if they want to save their chats. The company has been reported to mention that users can save their chat history on their computer till November end, after which that limited access will also be withdrawn.

While the previous users are automatically redirected to messaging app Squirrel (by invite-only) which is said to be of AOL, it is still in beta version, available for Android and iOS users. On the other hand, users can request an invite.

How YM users can download their chats

Because YM users can nolonger log in the app to check their messages, you have a provision of downloading them no later than end of November. As we mentioned, that’s if you want your messages.

  1. To download your chats, YM are required to go the DOWNLOADER REQUEST SITE and sign in. Select a verification method, then enter the Account Key provided.
  2. Click Download, enter the email where you want the chat history file sent >> click OK >> check your email for the file.
  3. You can now download the file from your email on to your device.


YM has bid farewell at a time WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook Messenger, Twitter have gained prominence. The platform was known for its chat rooms where people would meet and in Group Chats with random people and exchange email IDs. While most of these were fake email IDs that people would use, it was all about people talking to random strangers in the long run would be friends, or even more than friends.

There’s no comment/mention yet on when Yahoo Squirrel will be launched officially.