The bible now translated into emoji for the millennials

The bible has been updated for the 21st century with a new… emoji translation.

According to The Guardian, an anonymous translator, who prefers to be identified only by ?, reworked the King James Version of the bible using unicode emoji, as well as common internet abbreviations and slang.

It’s “a great and fun way to share the gospel,” wrote ? on the seller’s page.

The new book is a translation of The King James Version, which most know as the authorized edition and says it explores all 66 books. So, just like a written-out version of the Bible, it’s very long. “Bible Emoji” clocks in at over 3,200 pages, but luckily is available only in digital formats.

Bible Emoji: Scripture 4 Millenials [sic] was released on the iTunes Store for $2.99, a relatively inexpensive price for 3,282 pages of content.

The project also includes a microsite that translates Bible verses and a Twitter feed that’s been active since August 2015.

[iTunes, The Guardian]
