Episodic Noir Adventure “Blues and Bullets” Comes to PS4 on April 19

Image Credit: icxm Image Credit: icxm
Image Credit: icxm

A Crowd of Monsters are excited to announce that the first two episodes of Blues and Bullets will hit PS4 on April 19.

The game is about a former leader of the “Legendary Untouchables“, Eliot Ness, who only wished to spend the rest of his life working in his diner and not thinking much of the cesspit of corruption his city, Santa Esperanza, had degenerated into.

However, things don’t go as planned, when he notices children suddenly disappearing. Eliot decides to take the law into his own hands, track down the culprit, and bring him to justice by any means necessary even if he has to abandon his dreams of a peaceful life and again get embroiled in shootouts with the usual array of assassins and hoodlums.

Eliot takes the law into his own hands, track down the culprit, and bring him to justice by any means necessary. Image Credit: CloudFront
Eliot takes the law into his own hands, track down the culprit, and bring him to justice by any means necessary. Image Credit: CloudFront

Helped by various (famous and infamous) characters from unexpected places, the player must guide Eliot through the increasingly morbid and decadent scenarios searching for clues to solve the case.

A world in black and white
The first thing you may be asking when you see Blues and Bullets is – where are the colors?

“We decided to make an homage to the noir film genre and create a unique atmosphere only using black, white, and red.” Dani Candil, Art Director of A Crowd of Monsters, writes in a blog. “We used the same old illumination techniques that legendary film directors were using in the ’40s in an attempt to capture this classic but intriguing essence of noir.”

The official trailer of the game:

The key game features:

  • The visual aesthetics of the game and its unique approach to the cinematic narrative are two of the key points that will lead the player to a different and unique experience.
  • Immerse yourself in this black and white adventure with splashes of red that will make the unfolding of the story a delight to your senses.
  • Vibrant Game Mechanics 
    The player will investigate crime scenes, coming up with his/her own deductions after collecting and analyzing different clues found by exploring the different scenarios.[related-posts]
  • Advancing through the plot, some powerful characters will not like the player’s progress, resulting in intense shootouts between the hardened detective and mysterious enemies that will challenge the player’s skills.
  • Story and Decisions 
    The player will interact with dozens of characters of Santa Esperanza while he keeps progressing on the investigation. Every decision he makes will change his perspective on the case and his relationship with the other characters.
  • Witty banter, old school threats, disenchantment with society and love and death walk hand in hand in this dark story where the hope rests solely on your shoulders.

“Finally, after the hard work, we are bringing all of our work to this wonderful platform. We’re so happy with the finished result and we hope you enjoy the adventure.”

The game is available on Windows, XBox One, OS X and Linux platforms.