Uganda to extend e-cargo tracking system to Kenya

In order to curb theft and diversion of goods destined for its market through the port of Mombasa, Uganda will extend its Electronic Cargo Tracking System (ECTS) into Kenyan as part of strategy.

EcargoURAIn order to curb theft and diversion of goods destined for its market through the port of Mombasa, Uganda will extend its Electronic Cargo Tracking System (ECTS) into Kenyan as part of strategy.

The two countries have struck a deal on the scheme to be implemented in a few months, Uganda Revenue Authority said .

“We are currently finalising the cost estimates of the requirements. Thereafter, we will do the procurements and go ahead with full implementation,” the commissioner for customs, Richard Kamajugo said.

The main transit routes to Uganda from the port of Mombasa have been mapped for coverage by the Internet-based tracking system. When all is done, goods destined to Uganda will be monitored all the way from Mombasa and Nairobi in Kenya up to their destinations in Uganda,” the official said.


Launchd in May 2014 and already active in Uganda, the tracking system comprises satellites, a central monitoring centre and special electronic seals fitted on cargo containers and trucks, which give the precise location of goods in real time.

The system triggers an alarm whenever there is diversion from the designated route, an unusually long stopover or when someone attempts to open a container.

The system also helps to seal loopholes that cause the country losses in revenue through suspected under-declaration of the value of exports or theft of cargo.

“Over the past few months of implementation, the system has helped to foil highway robberies among other anomalies before cargo gets to its destination or crosses the border into another country,” Mr Kamajugo said.