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Tigo’s Business Unit to develop fibre and cable services

TIGO Tanzania General manager Diego Gutierrez
TIGO Tanzania General manager Diego Gutierrez

Tigo Tanzania  has today announced that it has created a “Tigo Business” unit to develop a series of products using high-speed fibre connections to support the needs of the country’s large corporate organisations as well as its small and medium-sized enterprises.

The newly-established team plans to launch these new services from the third quarter of 2014 by deploying Tigo’s existing fibre network and expanding it.

Local and international businesses will be able to benefit from Tigo’s own extensive fibre infrastructure, which supports its mobile network, and on which there is considerable capacity to support the high-speed connectivity now required by so many Tanzanian companies.


Tigo is part of the international telecommunications and media company Millicom, many of whose other operations offer such business-to-business services. In Tanzania, the fibre deployment is within the company’s overall investment plans.

The company is also exploring the potential for deploying cable services to consumers in relevant urban areas and expects a pilot service to be underway later in 2014.

Tigo’s General Manager Diego Gutierrez said “I am delighted that we now have this Unit to drive forward our fibre offer to Tanzanian businesses. Just as we have been innovating in our core mobile service for many years, we are now taking the next step by creating a high-speed opportunity that can help transform companies’ performance and support growth in the local economy.”