Web Africa Enters Uncapped Hosting Fray

Web Africa is the latest Internet service provider to slash the cost of hosting websites in SA, introducing uncapped hosting options on shared servers starting at R19/month for 50MB of disk space and unlimited bandwidth. Historically, hosting websites in SA has been significantly more expensive than in many overseas markets, prompting some companies — especially smaller businesses — to host their sites offshore.
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Web Africa’s new offerings come hot on the heels of MWeb’s move to introduce uncapped hosting options, also starting at R19/month (free for a year to its fixed-line broadband customers).

The company’s new hosting products, called Nitro Unlimited, go up to a “pro” option offering 5GB of storage space, up to 500 e-mail accounts and unlimited bandwidth for R439/month.

The products are not aimed at large companies, which would require dedicated server hosting facilities, but rather at small businesses and individuals wanting to host a website.

The hosting products offer the choice of either Linux or Windows as the server operating environment and the option of hosting either locally or internationally for the same price.

Source: Techcentral News