Top Ten Opera Mini users in Africa

The “State of the Mobile Web Report” by web browser company Opera Software puts a spotlight on the African region. Here are the top trends in Africa for mobile handsets and usage of the Opera Mini mobile web browser, which is used by 72% of all mobile web users in Africa.
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The top 10 countries using the Opera Mini browser in this region are Nigeria, South Africa, Kenya, Ghana, Sudan, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, Ethiopia, Zambia and Morocco.

Some numbers: From June 2010 to June 2011, page views in the top 10 countries of Africa increased by 187%, unique users increased by 184% and data transferred increased by 199%.

Growth rates in Africa: Zimbabwe and Morocco lead the top 10 countries of the region in terms of page-view growth (4964.8 % and 1598.4 %, respectively).

Zimbabwe and Ethiopia lead the top 10 countries of the region in growth of unique users (4483.3 % and 989.5 %, respectively).

Zimbabwe and Morocco lead the top 10 countries of the region in growth of data transferred (3449.7 % and 1385.9 %, respectively).

Zimbabwe leads the top 10 countries of the region in page views per user, with each user browsing 713 pages on average each month.

Among the countries of Africa, the most popular sites include Facebook, Google, YouTube, Yahoo and Wikipedia.

The top 10 handsets used in each of the top 10 African countries

According to the Opera Software State of the Mobile Web Report, Out of the 100 total handsets listed, 89 of them were Nokia, 7 of them were Samsung, 1 was a Sony Ericsson, 1 was an Alcatel, 1 was an Apple and 1 was an LG.

Source: itnewsafrica