The Gadgets Every Nursing Degree Student Needs

Lenovo laptop. Image Credit: Lenovo Lenovo laptop. Image Credit: Lenovo
Lenovo laptop. Image Credit: Lenovo

So, you’ve browsed the endless options of online nursing programs, and you have finally found the perfect degree for you. But wait, now you have to stock up for university and make sure you have all the equipment you need to succeed. With so much technology readily available, your everyday nursing tasks can be so much easier.

These gadgets can help you with a variety of different tasks from medical apparatus to aiding your university work. So take a seat and drink that cup of tea that you’ve been dying to drink all day whilst we guide you through these top gadgets!

USB Audio Voice Recorder

We’ve all been there; you’re sitting in a lecture and the lecturer is talking so fast, you can’t take down the notes quick enough, so you end up missing out on a really important piece of information! Instead why not use a USB voice recorder? This little gadget is brilliant for student nurses, when stuck in a majorly long lecture, you can record the entire lecture and listen to it later! It takes away all your struggles in lecture time, when you’re trying to note everything down.

Now you can focus your full attention on what your lecturer is saying! Just plug it into your laptop and you’re good to go!


This may seem like an obvious item to need at university, but trust me, your laptop will be your new best friend during your nursing degree. It’ll mean that you can do most of your written assignments from the comfort of your own home. A laptop is essential if you’re looking at nursing degrees online, as it’ll be a means of connecting with your lecturer, university and your work as a whole.

Vein Finder

Yes, you read that right. In today’s technologically advanced age there is a certain gadget that can help you find a patient’s vein! Unfortunately, this handy little gadget is only available here in the US (sorry international readers). This gadget is an LED transilluminator that helps to locate hard to find veins in both adults and children by shining an orange or red light through the arm or leg of a patient. This tool not only helps by locating the vein but also closing it!


As a nursing student, you know all too well that you have to be in a hundred-and-fifty different places all at once. One day you have to be on placement, experiencing what a real life nursing career entails, the next your back in the classroom ensuring your knowledge is up to scratch! However, these aren’t always in the same area, so a GPS can ensure you get from point A to point B quickly, without getting lost. GPS is especially helpful within the first couple of weeks of university!

Posture Sensor

Most nurses are rushing about on their feet all day, making it tempting to slouch. However, this can cause back problems. This device gently vibrates whenever you slouch, to remind you to keep good posture! It can even track your steps, calories burned, sitting time, your sleeping position and how long you sleep for.

University can be difficult at the best of times, let alone for a nursing student. But with these gadgets you’ll be sure to go top of the class!