Huawei Makes another Key Local Appointment for ESA Region

Deborah Ann
Deborah Ann

Huawei, a leading global information and communications technology (ICT) solutions provider, in a move to promote its localization strategy in the region has appointed Ms Deborah-Anne Strydom to the position of Assistant Director (in Charge) of the Contract Commercial and Fulfillment Department for the Eastern and Southern Africa (ESA) Region.

She is currently the only Non-Chinese appointed for such position globally. Her new role will involve contract management, risk management, commercial management, negotiation support, and project contract management, among others.


Ms Strydom joined Huawei Technologies in July 2010 as Senior Contracts Manager for the ESA region, and nominated as a member of the Contract Support Office (CSO) Subject Matter Expert team with Strategic involvement in the Global Contract Support Office.

Key responsibilities include Contract risk management, overall end to end (E2E) direction and management of contracts from negotiation through to completion and direct support of project contract managers within the Region.

Until her recent appointment, she was the Regional Director for CSO in ESA region for the Delivery and Service department-being the first non-Chinese and female to be appointed to a regional delivery management role. Prior to joining Huawei, Ms Strydom gained considerable experience with Ericsson, her specialization in contract and risk management saw tenure in Spain also.

In May 2013, Huawei appointed Mr. Radoslaw Kedzia as the CEO for Huawei in Uganda-being the first non-Chinese CEO in the region.