Tripesa, a Ugandan-born B2B travel tech platform that equips tourism and hospitality Micro, Small, and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSMEs) with the tools they need to sell online and manage their operations efficiently, has joined hands with the Buganda Kingdom to harness the power of technology to amplify the allure of tourism in Uganda, particularly spotlighting the rich cultural heritage of the Buganda region while providing a platform for local tourism businesses to flourish.
The fruit of this collaboration is, an online portal serving as a digital marketplace where tourists can explore a diverse array of tourism-related services and delve into the myriad attractions that characterize the Buganda region.

Beyond merely showcasing the kingdom’s offerings, this platform represents a significant stride towards enhancing accessibility for potential visitors, aligning seamlessly with Tripesa’s overarching mission to harness technology for the advancement of Uganda’s tourism sector.
The Executive Director of Buganda Heritage and Tourism Board, Kasozi Albert asserted that, in this modern age, tourism thrives more on digital marketing and the advancement in technology has made it easier to build marketplaces like Visit Buganda.
“So many tourists come into the country without an idea of what they will find and sometimes get misguided by the assigned tour guides who only focus on what they wish to showcase,” said Kasozi. “With the Buganda Tourism marketplace, we are bringing the experience closer to the tourist to make a satisfying choice, even before flying into the country.”
Kasozi affirmed that Buganda Kingdom’s revenue will grow through the marketplace along with the diversification of the products of the industry. “For so many years, Uganda has been known as a nature-based destination. Now, we want the tourists to appreciate a heritage and cultural destination that is digitalized,” he added.
Tripesa CEO David Gonahasa stated that they have built a tool that allows individuals, small businesses, and producers to build no-code websites, without the need to have complex data. He emphasized the scalability and sustainability of Tripesa’s marketplace model, particularly at the regional level.

By minimizing the barriers to entry and shouldering the technological infrastructure costs, Tripesa ensures that marketplaces can thrive and evolve to meet the evolving needs of customers and businesses alike.
Tripesa is not only partnering with the Buganda Kingdom but also with other beneficiaries such as YUTO (Young Uganda Tourism Operators) and Kasese Tourism Investors Forum (KTIF), for whom Tripesa has developed an online presence and valuable platforms to launch their marketplaces.