7 Reasons Why E-Scooters Are The Next Big Thing in Transportation

E-scooters (electric scooters) have gained significant traction, offering a convenient and eco-friendly mode of transportation for urban dwellers. PHOTO: Fabrizio Ortis / via Unsplash E-scooters (electric scooters) have gained significant traction, offering a convenient and eco-friendly mode of transportation for urban dwellers. PHOTO: Fabrizio Ortis / via Unsplash
<center>E-scooters (electric scooters) have gained significant traction, offering a convenient and eco-friendly mode of transportation for urban dwellers. PHOTO: Fabrizio Ortis / via Unsplash</center>

The transportation landscape is evolving rapidly, with new technologies and alternative mobility options constantly emerging, reshaping how we navigate our cities. Among these innovations/technologies, electric scooters, or e-scooters as commonly called, have taken many cities by storm in recent years and are poised to become a mainstream mode of transport.

E-scooters offer a convenient and eco-friendly mode of transportation for dwellers and here are seven key reasons why they are likely to play a fundamental role in urban transportation systems in the coming decade.

  1. Convenient first and last-mile solution

Notably, public transportation systems like buses and subways are great for efficiently transporting large numbers of people over longer distances within cities. However, the first and last mile — getting from home or work to the nearest transit stop – often poses a challenge.

Thankfully, e-scooters (electric kicks) provide an ideal solution for bridging this gap. They are small, lightweight, and easy to maneuver, allowing users to travel those 1-2 miles (3.2 km) to a transit stop much more conveniently than other modes like walking, cycling, or taxi. This makes electric kicks highly complementary additions to existing public transportation networks by giving commuters that extra boost needed for first and last-mile connections.

  1. Combat traffic congestion

Additionally, traffic congestion is a significant issue plaguing most large cities today. Multiple short, single-occupancy vehicle trips are made daily, which clog up roads. E-scooters provide an active transportation alternative that can help reduce the number of short car trips.

As per early estimates, every e-scooter removes about a dozen vehicle trips. While they may not fully replace car trips, even replacing a small fraction can go a long way in easing traffic. E-scooters also take up tiny roads or parking spaces compared to cars. This makes them quite efficient at moving people compared to private vehicles for distances under 3 miles (4.8 km).

  1. Accessible, affordable, and fun option

Compared to other mobility options, e-scooters score high on accessibility and affordability. Dockless systems allow riders to pick up and drop off scooters anywhere within the service area rather than limited pickup/drop-off locations for bikes or vehicle rentals. This provides ubiquitous access. They are also cheaper than taking taxis or public transit for short journeys.

Additionally, riding e-scooters is enjoyable, recreational, and even therapeutic for some. The fun factor makes them appealing, especially to younger riders. These attributes combined make e-scooters a very inclusive and viable option for all urban trips.

  1. Environmentally friendly

Besides, with the looming threats of climate change, cities, and citizens are seeking greener transportation alternatives. E-scooters deliver on this front by providing an emissions-free option for short trips generally done by fuel-burning vehicles. As more people switch from cars, it directly reduces greenhouse gases, particulate matter, and other harmful pollutants emitted into the atmosphere.

Also, it is estimated that e-scooters could reduce vehicle miles traveled and greenhouse gas release for short trips under 3 miles (4.8 km) in certain cities. With their small but effective electric powertrains, e-scooters are a very environmentally sustainable mode of micro-mobility.

  1. Flexible, on-demand access

A significant strength of dockless shared mobility options like e-scooters is their ability to provide on-demand access right where users need it without planning or reserving trips in advance. Users can locate the scooter nearest their current or destination point using mobile apps, unlock it with a few taps, and be on their way.

This level of flexibility and spontaneity is impossible with fixed infrastructure-based systems like bikes, buses, or metros. It allows scooters to seamlessly integrate into people’s everyday lifestyles and plug gaps or delays in the transportation network. The spontaneity also encourages more trips on e-scooters versus being dependent on set schedules of other modes.

  1. Space efficient parking

One challenge with dockless bikes was the problem of indiscriminate parking blocking footpaths or other public spaces. E-scooters solve this issue elegantly through their sizes and designs. Further, being much smaller than bikes or cars, scooters take up tiny street or sidewalk space when parked. This prevents significant obstructions to pedestrian flow.

Additionally, with their kickstands, e-scooters can be left neatly lined up on streets or in designated parking zones, taking up minimal area. Cities are proactively setting up geofenced parking infrastructure for e-scooters to streamline parking behaviors further and optimize street utilization. Efficient parking is critical for more comprehensive public acceptance of shared scooters as a transport mode.

E-scooters can be left neatly lined up on streets or in designated parking zones, taking up minimal area. PHOTO: Markus Spiske / via Unsplash
E-scooters can be left neatly lined up on streets or in designated parking zones, taking up minimal area. PHOTO: Markus Spiske / via Unsplash
  1. Continued technological improvements

Unlike other legacy transportation modes, e-scooters and micro-mobility are still emerging spaces where rapid innovations are expected. Factors like increasing battery capacities allow longer ranges per charge in addition to safety features like turn signals and braking systems. Also, utilizing more innovative IoT sensors to optimize pickup/drop-off behavior and integrate them with public transit apps promises to enhance the user experience further. 5G connectivity will power autonomous ride capabilities.

Increased data collection and artificial intelligence applications can improve real-time routing, dynamic pricing, and right-sizing of fleets. As technology progresses, micromobility could advance to fill gaps beyond the capabilities of current infrastructure in areas like last-mile delivery. Continuous progress ensures e-scooters remain cutting-edge urban mobility solutions for the times to come.


Therefore, e-scooters demonstrate strong potential as a preferred urban transportation solution in the coming years. Their environmental friendliness, low costs, and versatility make them well-suited to integrate within modern mobility plans globally. As technologies advance in tandem with regulations, shared e-scooter networks are poised to thrive alongside public transit and cycling.

Cities that proactively accommodate and manage e-scooters stand to gain traffic and emissions reductions while improving overall connectivity. Their role in bridging first-last mile gaps is expected to grow and underscore e-scooters as a defining part of 21st-century sustainable transportation.