Charting New Horizons: ‘Digital Transformation: The Northstar You Need’ Book Launched

Authors of 'Digital Transformation — The Northstar You Need' Emmanuel Mugabi, Rowena Turinawe, and Osbert Osamai (front row seated) pose for a group photo with attendees after launching their book at the National ICT Innovation Hub in Nakawa. COURTESY PHOTO Authors of 'Digital Transformation — The Northstar You Need' Emmanuel Mugabi, Rowena Turinawe, and Osbert Osamai (front row seated) pose for a group photo with attendees after launching their book at the National ICT Innovation Hub in Nakawa. COURTESY PHOTO
<center>Authors of 'Digital Transformation — The Northstar You Need' Emmanuel Mugabi, Rowena Turinawe, and Osbert Osamai (front row seated) pose for a group photo with attendees after launching their book at the National ICT Innovation Hub in Nakawa. COURTESY PHOTO</center>

The “Digital Transformation — The Northstar You Need” book co-authored by Emmanuel Mugabi, Rowena Turinawe, and Osbert Osamai was launched today at the National ICT Innovation Hub in Nakawa at an exclusive event that brought together a distinguished assembly of C-suite executives from both the public and private sectors.

The book excellently presents fourteen (14) strategies that serve as the North Star for enterprise technology leaders to navigate the hidden complexities of digital transformation, avoid expensive mistakes, and also thrive in the unavoidable dynamic landscape of the digital age.

The book further brings to light the issues that many a time, leaders do not prepare for. The authors address relevant core aspects of digital transformation that can only come by experience. Business and technology leaders will learn which issues to avoid and best practices to adopt as they navigate paths for leading digital transformation for their organizations.

Mr. Peter Kahiigi, the keynote speaker at the book launch, said, in unveiling this book, the authors raise the business value proposition of getting digital transformation done right to new heights. “This book is a perfect guide that enterprise technology leaders can use to lead the implementation of successful sustainable digital transformation initiatives.”

Peter Kahiigi speaking at the launch of the 'Digital Transformation — The Northstar You Need' book co-authored by Emmanuel Mugabi, Rowena Turinawe, and Osbert Osamai. The launch was held at the National ICT Innovation Hub in Nakawa. COURTESY PHOTO
Peter Kahiigi speaking at the launch of the ‘Digital Transformation — The Northstar You Need’ book co-authored by Emmanuel Mugabi, Rowena Turinawe, and Osbert Osamai. The launch was held at the National ICT Innovation Hub in Nakawa. COURTESY PHOTO

The book focuses on overcoming common pitfalls and challenges in digital transformation.

This is under the auspices of the Transformation Diary — an initiative created to provide solutions and drive awareness amongst enterprise technology leaders so that they confidently achieve the successful transformation of their organizations and businesses.

The authors have a proven track record of guiding organizations through complex technological change which enabled them to use their unique blend of expertise in technology, business strategy, and leadership to the pages of “Digital Transformation — the Northstar you need”

The event closed with a commitment from the attendees to integrate the principles and strategies discussed into their organizational ethos, ensuring that digital transformation becomes a sustainable and value-driven effort in their respective domains.

Attendees at an exclusive launch of the 'Digital Transformation — The Northstar You Need' book co-authored by Emmanuel Mugabi, Rowena Turinawe, and Osbert Osamai. COURTESY PHOTO
Attendees at an exclusive launch of the ‘Digital Transformation — The Northstar You Need’ book co-authored by Emmanuel Mugabi, Rowena Turinawe, and Osbert Osamai. COURTESY PHOTO

‘Digital Transformation: The Northstar You Need’ thus sets forth not just as a guidebook for the digital age but as a beacon for those ready to lead their organizations into a future where digital is not just an option but a necessity for growth and success.

The book can be purchased from the Mahiri Bookshop.

Authors comment;

Emmanuel Mugabi: “In the realm of digital transformation, it’s imperative to view technology not just as a tool but as an enabler of broader societal and organizational change. Our book aims to equip leaders with the mindset and methodologies to harness this potential responsibly and effectively.”

Rowena Turinawe: “Digital transformation should be seen as a journey of continuous evolution, not a one-time project. It’s about creating a culture where innovation thrives, ensuring that every step taken is a stride towards inclusivity, sustainability, and empowerment.”

Osbert Osamai: “The success of digital initiatives hinges on aligning technology with business strategy and ensuring robust governance. Our guide provides a compass for leaders to navigate the digital landscape, ensuring that technology investments deliver tangible value and drive forward the organizational mission.”