MTN Launches Campaign, Calls For Awareness on Wearing Face Masks

MTN is adding its voice to the global drive to raise awareness about the importance of wearing masks with today’s launch of the #WearItForMe campaign across its 21 African and Middle Eastern markets.  

To help drive this much-needed change in behaviour, MTN is committing its September 2020 marketing resources towardsencouraging everyone to adopt wearing masks so as to save lives. ​

As Uganda and the world at large try to navigate the “new normal” brought about by covid -19, wearing masks remains one of the most effective preventative measures to slow the spread of the virus However, many people remain reluctant to wear them, wear them incorrectly, or still feel it is not important.

“In Uganda over the last weeks we have reported unprecedentedrecord high numbers of new Covid19 cases with the numbers soaring each day. It’s  upon this growing concern witnessed across various MTN markets that we decided to dedicate  resources yet again towards  something that we believe  can make a big difference in curbing the spread of this deadly disease,” says MTN Uganda Chief Executive Officer, WimVanhelleputte.

“ This fight calls for concerted efforts, Wearing a mask correctlyis something each one of us can do to protect ourselves and loved ones for it has been proven to be one of the most effective preventive methods in slowing  and stopping  the spread of the Corona Virus. I however encourage Ugandans to alongsidewearing the mask correctly to continue observing the other Standard Operating Procedures including  staying at homewhere possible, social distancing as well as hand washing and sanitising among others,” says Vanhelleputte. 

#WearItForMe is the next phase in MTN’s covid-19 response under Y’ello Hope – MTN’s umbrella initiative which provides much-needed support during times of societal need. 

It is a powerful call-to-action using the voice of some of the most influential figures within our communities and across the continent; our mothers, and mother-figures. The campaign will see mothers and mother-figures sending heartfelt messages to their children, and all the children of Africa, to wear their masks to protect themselves and their loved ones. 

“As part of the campaign, MTN will also be distributing 100,000 masks to customers through the MTN service centres across the country” said Vanhelleputte while launching the #WearItForMecampaign.

MTN’s #WearItForMe campaign will build on the several interventions that MTN carried out since the covid 19 breakout in March 2020 under the Y’ello Hope initiative that is aimed at brightening lives and limiting the impact of the pandemic. 

During this time, MTN has prioritised looking after its people, customers, communities and networks while focusing on efficiencies to help mitigate the pandemic and its effects on livelihoods. Initiatives ranged from special data bundles and zero-rated access to educational sites. In addition, utilising technological solutions for contact tracing and dissemination of information through the Africa COVID Communication & Information Platform across our 21 markets.   

At the onset of the COVID19 crisis in the country, MTN Uganda allocated media space worth shs316million to the ministry of Health to run the much needed COVID19 communication across different media. To facilitate a free flow of information, the Telecom zero-rated the Ministry of health website to enable people get timely information without the need for data.

When the country started registering cases of COVID19, MTN set up a fully equipped call center at the MTN Head offices to support the Ministry of health work force in terms of receiving calls from members of the public seeking referrals and those seeking general information about the deadly coronavirus.

To support the movement of both logistics and members of the Covid19 Task Force as it spearheads the country’s fight against the pandemic, MTN recently donated three brand new Nissan Hard Body pick-ups to the Office of the Prime Minister.

In a bid to promote hand washing and hygiene as one of the ways to prevent the spread of the fatal coronavirus, MTN provided another Shs.220million to National Water and Sewerage Corporation (NWSC) to provide relief to the masses of people living in water stressed parts in and around Kampala. This is because water is especially important in the COVID19 fight as hand washing is very critical.

MTN also provided another Shs.294million to the Uganda Red Cross Society (URCS) for surveillance, screening, psychological support in the high risk areas and border points across the country. 

“MTN is committed to supporting the Government in the fight against Corona virus., We are adding our voice to that of the Ministry of Health and reminding you to wear your masks correctly everywhere you go,” concludes Vanhelleputte.