6 Ways to Prepare Your Business for Mobile Technology

Preparing your business for mobile technology. Photo by rawpixel.com from Pexels Preparing your business for mobile technology. Photo by rawpixel.com from Pexels
<center>Preparing your business for mobile technology. Photo by rawpixel.com from Pexels</center>

The progression of technology means that businesses must constantly adapt their services in order to meet clientele demands and stay updated with the latest modernizations. The recent growth in mobile usage has changed the landscape of businesses, with many potential customers deciding to invest in products and services, or find out more information about businesses, online.

Answer Rich Content
Google ranking factors have always affected search engine optimization and brand awareness. However, Google is now transitioning to an answer engine system, where they show search results to customers that are based on the best response to their questions. Not only has this answer engine changed the way that people search for products online, but it is also important for mobile searches, where Google is now operating away from the traditional search results list.

Mobiles have given Google the key to personalization, and this has allowed Google to produce direct answers to questions rather than let users search for the answers in relevant links. To respond to these changes, you need to develop answer rich content for your website through clear and concise question and answer pages and FAQs, among other methods.

Voice Search Optimization
The innovations of voice assistants such as Siri and Cortana on Apple and Android mobile devices has led to more users searching online with their voices, rather than through typing searches. Voice search optimization is particularly important for mobiles as more users are likely to conduct voice searches when they are out and about, as voice searches can be performed hands-free and from any location.

To optimize your site for voice searches, you should make sure that all of your information, such as location and address, are stated in an obvious place on your website to make it easy for Google spiders to find the relevant content to voice queries. You should also attempt to answer any questions that your customers may have about your brand pre-emptively on FAQs as this will allow Google to link your website with the format of their voice search. You should also opt for long-tail keywords as voice searches tend to be longer than text searches, and have more natural speech patterns.

Fast Loading Times
If you want to prepare your e-commerce site for mobile technology, you should also adapt the speed of your website to ensure that it has fast loading times for both laptops and mobiles. You can do this through a couple of methods that will help to simplify your website, such as reducing the number of plug-ins that your website utilizes whenever it is loaded, reducing the size of its images, and reduce the amount of code and HTTP requests on your website. If you are unsure how to do this, you should consider employing a website designer who can help to adapt your website to mobile tech.

Responsive Design
If you design your business’s website on top website builders, they will automatically have a responsive design that allows your website to be easy to navigate and efficient on both laptops and mobiles, among other devices. However, if you are not using a pre-created layout, you need to ensure that your website has mobile compatibility by ensuring that it has a responsive design.

To make a website responsive, you need to prepare for touchscreens by creating larger buttons that are easier to click on touchscreen-compatible mobiles, changing menu layouts and navigation options, and changing the size and layout of images.

Use Multi-Method Payment
You should also adapt your e-commerce website so that it allows users to pay through as multiple payment methods, such as PayPal or Apple Pay as well as by debit card. The revolution in mobile technology has led to more options when it comes to paying for products, and utilizing as many of these as possible is important so that payment is easy for your target audience. This will reduce basket abandonment and make the payment process quick and simple for all users.

Use QR Codes
If you have a physical store, you can use QR codes to help potential customers connect with you on social media or find your website before they leave your store. If you are simply an e-commerce site, however, you can still use QR codes to benefit you and perform tasks such as giving customers your contact details and enabling your target audience to connect with your mobile applications.