125 Ugandan Entrepreneurs Make it to 4th Cycle of TEF Entrepreneurship Programme

TEF Founder, Tony O. Elumelu. (Photo Credit) TEF Founder, Tony O. Elumelu. (Photo Credit)
<center>TEF Founder, Tony O. Elumelu. (Photo Credit)</center>

With more than 150,000 Africans from 114 countries worldwide applying to join the 4th cycle of The TEF Entrepreneurship Programme, Uganda had 125 entrepreneurs making it to the cycle.

The programme is the largest African philanthropic initiative devoted to entrepreneurship and represents the foundation’s 10 year, USD$100 million commitment, to identify and empower 10,000 African entrepreneurs, create a million jobs, and add USD$10 billion in revenues to Africa’s economy.

These selected entrepreneurs will receive USD$5000 (roughly 18,281,500 UGX) a non returnable seed capital funding.

Uganda followed Nigeria with the most entrepreneurs selected. Kenya came in the the third place.

Agriculture category dominated with over 45 entrepreneurs. This shows that Uganda might have or “has” more agricultural entrepreneurs than any other sector.

Here’s the full list of the selected Ugandan entrepreneurs
Abaas Mpindi Education and Training
Agnes Namirimu Agriculture
Aidah Nakibuuka Agriculture
Aisha Nabukeera Education and Training
Albert Olodi Agriculture
Alex Okello Agriculture
Allen Muteesi Manufacturing
Amos Karugaba Education and Training
Andrew Etuket Healthcare
Andrew Ssenyonjo Agriculture
Anne Nabukenya Agriculture
Annet Grace Atim Healthcare
Annet Odong Ssanyu Education and Training
Anthony Isanga Energy/Power Generation
Arnold Ruyonga Energy/Power Generation
Arthur Woniala Energy/Power Generation
Assumpta Abbo Education and Training
Augustus Kagyene Education and Training
Barbara Nabigambo Tourism/Hospitality
Bazil Mwotta Biddemu Agriculture
Benson Sande Healthcare
Billy Ochen Agriculture
Brian Galabuzi Kakembo Energy/Power Generation
Caroline Mitiwu Agriculture
Cassidy Catherine Alwenyi ICT
Cavin Mugarura Education and Training
Charles Ochan Agriculture
Charlotte Arinaitwe Agriculture
Charlotte Muhumuza Karungi Agriculture
Collins Saabwe Education and Training
Conny Grace Avako Agriculture
Conrad Tumwine Healthcare
Cynthia Olga Kiconco Muheki Consulting
Davey Reich Turyasingura FMCG
David Kintu Nkwanga Manufacturing
Denise Kantarama Museminali Manufacturing
Deogratius Ssekidde Professional Services
Drake Lule Construction
Eliab Wilson Mayengo Construction
Emmanuel Edoku Construction
Emmanuel Timothy Reigns Okoth Agriculture
Evans Kato Tusubira, Agriculture Agriculture
Evelyn Kirezi Transportation
Fiona Mpumwire ICT
Getrude Nambalirwa Manufacturing
Godfrey Mukose Healthcare
Harriet Kobusingye, Agriculture Agriculture
Hassan Ssennyondo, Agriculture Agriculture
Henry Luyimbaazi, Agriculture Agriculture
Herman Nkugwa Manufacturing
Husein Kalema Agriculture
Immaculate Kali Aceng Agriculture
Innocent Alule Agriculture
Irene Moracha Agriculture
Isabella Acomai Fashion
Ivan Kutosi Agona Education and Training
Jackline Alwedo Education and Training
Jackline Bayoa Commercial/Retail
Jackline Waliggo Transportation
Johnmary Kavuma Construction
Joseph Mulabbi Transportation
Joseph Okware Education and Training
Josephat Kaijage Agriculture
Jovulean Itungu Healthcare
Julian Florence Agwari Agriculture
Juliet Nakaweesi Waste Management
Juliet Nakyanzi Agriculture
Julius Edwok Agriculture
Julius Emwogu Manufacturing
Julius Enock Naika Agriculture
Lilian Nyangoma Fashion
Lucy Isoke Marunga Tourism/Hospitality
Lydia Night Anena Fashion
Magoola Nathan Media and Entertainment
Mariam Nakigude Manufacturing
Marvin Peter Akankwasa Agriculture
Masha Cheptoek Education and Training
Mawejje Douglas Deo Agriculture
Mitchelle Omal Awor Manufacturing
Moses Blessed Mutabaganya Manufacturing
Moses Mugagga Kamya Education and Training
Muliwabyo Justus Agriculture
Norah Najjemba Healthcare
Patricia Nassanga ICT
Patrick Musisi Agriculture
Patrick Rwekamba Agriculture
Patrick Nespoul Omoding Agriculture
Paul Kiwanuka Manufacturing
Paul Matovu Agriculture
Paul Tumwesigye Education and Training
Peter Kisadha Media and Entertainment
Philip Opio Agriculture
Phiona Asasira FMCG
Racheal Junior Nakintu Agriculture
Rachel Nabisubi Balungi Agriculture
Rancy Sharon Bukenya ICT
Rashid Kisekka FMCG
Reaganson Alinda Agriculture
Richard Kirumira Kalungi Healthcare
Robert Mubiru Agriculture
Ronald Tenywa Waste Management
Ronnie Bahungule Professional Services
Rose Mary Nakame Waste Management
Sam Agona Waste Management
Samson Tusiime ICT
Samuel Ocimil Education and Training
Sarah Nassazi Manufacturing
Sharif Basalirwa Financial Services
Sheilla Abuko Fashion
Siraje Nyombi ICT
Stallone Emmanuel Arinaitwe FMCG
Stella Akello Fashion
Stephen Aroma Agriculture
Stephy Abeja Agriculture
Suzan Ankunda Manufacturing
Sylivia Nabuuma FMCG
Theresa Nalwanga Manufacturing
Tonny Kukeera Media and Entertainment
Trevor Nsereko Manufacturing
Vincent Nsereko Agriculture
Walter Felix Opio Agriculture
Watson Owampiire Agriculture
Whitney Achieng Okumu FMCG
William Eguma Agriculture
Zuria Nagadya Professional Services