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Twitter Revealed Vine Users’ Details Were Briefly Exposed

Vine-App. Image Credit: Digital Trends Vine-App. Image Credit: Digital Trends
Vine-App. Image Credit: Digital Trends

Early this year in January, Micro-blogging website; Twitter Inc. shut down their its popular six-second video sharing site/app; VINE and then converted it into a dedicated camera app.

Shortly after, the company made Vine Archive live to help users see all Vines available on the site since 2013. While this was a noble idea in theory, it turns out that a bug affected the Vine Archive potentially exposing users’ details including; their phone numbers and email addresses associated with Vine accounts to third-parties in certain conditions.

Twitter clarified that the bug in question affected the Vine Archive for less than 24 hours and has since been fixed.

The social media company said it had already notified all affected account holders for whom it had a verified email address on file, so if you weren’t notified, you most likely weren’t affected.

“While we have no information indicating that any user information impacted by this incident has been misused, it’s always a good idea to be cautious of emails or text messages received from unknown senders,” the company wrote in Medium Post.[related-posts]