Future implemetation of Chrome will aggressively throttle background tabs

Image Credit: mobilegeeks Image Credit: mobilegeeks
Image Credit: mobilegeeks

Are you a fan of Google Chrome? You will like some of the future implementations. The company has announced still-to-come enhancement which some developers worried it could affect the proper functioning of their websites.

Alexander Timin a Chromium engineer detailed a future implementation that will essentially prompt Chrome to aggressively throttle resources in background tabs in order to prolong battery life and improve the overall browsing performance.

The update will moderate pages with heavy JavaScript ads and analytics scripts by limiting on the processing resources allocated to background activities consumption.

With this tweak, the background tabs will drain less CPU power.

Here’s a summary of the proposed modifications as outlined by Timin:

  • Each WebView has a budget (in seconds) for running timers in background.
  • A timer task is only allowed to run when the budget is non-negative.
  • After a timer has executed, its run time is subtracted from the budget.
  • The budget regenerates with time (at rate of 0.01 seconds per second).