Event: Introduction to Building Open Data Skills

Developers during one of the outbox design monthly meetups. Image Credit: guru8 Developers during one of the outbox design monthly meetups. Image Credit: guru8
Developers during one of the outbox design monthly meetups. Image Credit: guru8

Outbox; an innovation Hub based in Uganda, is bring you one of their events dubbed “Introduction to building open data skills” on Friday 25th November, 2016 at their Hub located at Soliz House – Lumumba Avenue on 4th Floor, from 5:30p.m to 7:30p.m and will be facilitated by Richard Ngamita; a Data Engineering consultant working as Analytics lead at Medic Mobile who has previously worked with Google Nairobi & Dublin.

The session will seek to review and look at the different stakeholder open data initiatives in the priority sectors of Health, education, agriculture, energy and infrastructure. Participants will review several open data initiatives and how participants can get started accessing and analyzing the various datasets.

The purpose of the session is to provide context and an introduction to open data tools for participants. We shall also share about one of our initiatives in open data and environmental monitoring.

Participants in the Up Accelerate program that would like to work with open data will find this session very useful.

What the event will cover:

  1. An assessment of the various open data platforms in Uganda.
  2. How to access and work with open data using simple tools like open refine, Web scraper and spreadsheets.
  3. An introduction to the open data PiMAA project at Outbox.
  4. An introduction the Up Accelerate program and the open data challenge.

The event calls upon Journalists, Statisticians and demographers working with CSOs or Government, Software developers/students interested in data analysis, and Young entrepreneurs interested in working with open data for the Up Accelerate challenge to attend.

Participants are requested to come with their own laptops to learn the basic computer knowledge on how to use spreadsheets.