JotBlue: World’s Fastest Note-Taking App

JotBlue-App world's note taking application. Screen Shot by: Nathan Ernest Olupot JotBlue-App world's note taking application. Screen Shot by: Nathan Ernest Olupot
JotBlue-App world's note taking application. Screen Shot by: Nathan Ernest Olupot

JotBlue is a faster and more efficient note taking application than any other on the market. The secret is simple. By entering a single letter at the beginning of every note, the note knows exactly where to go and be filed for future reference.

No more texting notes and never finding them. Eliminate wasted time by more efficiently recording notes. Send notes to one location in any number of fast and simple ways without even taking the time to open the app itself!

The JotBlue app uses a predefined ABC coding system to quickly and efficiently record notes in commonly used categories such as A for appointment, B for buy, H for home and T for to do. For example, by typing in “b sugar” and hitting enter, sugar is immediately added to the buy list for the grocery shopping trip later that day.

JotBlue is flexible and easy-to-use. In addition to quickly entering notes, the JotBlue app also allows users to edit any note, share notes via SMS or email, copy notes, delete notes, export all notes into a CVS file for backup, and send feedback directly to JotBlue. JotBlue also offers syncing with your Evernote account.

There are many note taking applications on the market, some are fast and some are organized, but none are both fast and well organized. Users of JotBlue get the best of both worlds; extremely fast and completely organized.[related-posts]

JotBlue is available on Play Store.

  1. This article is written like an advertisement by JotBlue as opposed to being written by someone who has used the app and one or two other note taking app which is how a typical review would be written.

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