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Xbox Introduces MultiPlayer Feature For Xbox Live

Rocket-League. Image Credit: Venture Beat Rocket-League. Image Credit: Venture Beat
Rocket-League. Image Credit: Venture Beat

In time to come, gamers on Xbox One and Windows 10 using Xbox Live will be able to play with players on different online multiplayer networks which is inclusive of other console and PC networks. The current situation dictates that gamers can only play together online if they use the same system. This is about to change.

Psyonix’s Rocket League has been confirmed as one of the first games to take advantage of this new capability by enabling cross-network play between Xbox One and PC players, with an open invitation for other networks to participate as well.

“There is ‘an open invitation’ for other networks to collaborate,” the tech giant was quoted saying.

Director Chris Charla, in his letter posted online, urged game developers to support this feature.

He also hinted on MonoGame support coming to Xbox One soon, thanks to Tom Spilman and friends at Sickhead Games. Although this news is a little overdue but thanks to a partnership with another developer named Tom Happ- whose game, Axiom Verge, is going to be one of the first games shipping on Xbox One using MonoGame- this will be made possible.

This announcement comes as the developers conference ID@Xbox takes place this week.