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Bug-killing robots to help with Ebola outbreak in Liberia

tru-d-splashTwo robots have been designed to deliver lethal doses of ultraviolet light that modify the DNA structure of superbugs so they can no longer reproduce and harm patients are to be deployed in Liberian hospitals caring for patients with Ebola virus disease.

The two 5′ 5″ machines – known as TRU-D SmartUVC – use a unique technology called Sensor360 to calculate the time needed to react to the particular features of a room. For instance, the technology takes into account the size, shape, surface reflectivity, the amount of equipment in the room and where it is situated.

Once it has calculated these room paramaters, the TRU-D (Total Room Ultraviolet Disinfector) device delivers a single, lethal cycle of UV-C light from the middle of the room.

The deadly dose of UV-C light alters the DNA of viruses like Ebola so they cannot replicate and carry on spreading and colonizing patients.

Validation studies show that TRU-D is 99.99% effective in eliminating the most common pathogens that cause health care associated infections.

TRU-D is the brainchild of Dr. Jeffery L. Deal, Fellow of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. Dr. Deal is accompanying the two devices to Liberia and will teach hospital staff how to operate them. The two machines will be deployed in JFK Hospital and ELWA Hospital in the capital, Monrovia. Dr. Deal explains:

“We developed TRU-D SmartUVC technology to combat the devastating effects of hospital acquired infections. Unlike many diseases, Ebola strikes hospital workers more than any other group, making it the ultimate hospital acquired infection.”

Both machines have recently taken part in a 28-month CDC-funded study – the Duke University Prevention Epicenter Program – to evaluate real-world applications of UV-C disinfection.

TRU-D technology is already being used in all types of health care settings in the US, Canada, the UK and Saudi Arabia to eradicate a range of pathogens, including not only Ebola but methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae, Middle East respiratory syndrome, influenza, norovirus, Clostridium difficile, and others.

Source: Medical News Today