How To Keep Your Emails And Texts Secret

email-securityIf you’re a private person or you’re into shady dealings, Whatever the reason, sometimes you need to send an email or text without any chance of other people seeing it. Technology is more than capable of helping you out in your covert pursuits.

The David Petraeus method
Use a shared email account and simply save drafts of your messages without sending them. The other person can log in, read, and respond. Of course, Petraeus was found out, so let’s look at some alternatives.

Black SMS app
This iPhone app turns your secret messages into scrambled nonsense pictures that you can pass along via text message. The recipient loads the images into the app, which converts them back to normal text.

Price: $0.99

Silent Sender
Want to tell your boss what you really think? Use Silent Sender to anonymously email him or anyone else from right inside your Web browser. (Don’t use your work computer, though—employers have ways of tracking this kind of activity on corporate networks.) Check it out here 

When you send a text message through the usual means, you relinquish control of it. Wickr is an app that lets you maintain control and remove your messages from the recipient’s phone. You can even use a self-destruct option.
Price: free

Top Secret Email
Top Secret Email is as straightforward as its name. It scrambles and unscrambles coded messages by making use of a secret key word that both parties know. Check it out here

Silent Circle
If it’s good enough for the military, surely it’s good enough for you. Silent Circle is a suite of covert communication tools so you can text and even make voice calls while wrapped in a layer of protection. The apps are free, but the suite costs $20 per month to use.
Check out the voice app here >
Check out the texting app here >

Dont Use technology at all
No matter what you do online, there’s almost no way to totally cover up your tracks. Why not pull some old-school spy moves and exchange secret messages written on paper?It’s easier than worrying about someone following your digital footprints.

Credit: BI