Scientists Create a $32 Eye-Tracking Device

Scientists in London have discovered a way to make a functional eye-tracking device for around $30 from parts you can buy at any local retail store. Ordinarily, the same type of equipment would cost upwards of $7,000.Lead researcher Dr. Aldo Faisal discovered the budget device by accident.
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“I like to play with gadgets and was playing with a popular video-game console,” he said. “I hacked it and discovered it was very fast and better than any webcam for movement.

Actually, it was so fast that I found we could record eye movement with it.”Eye-tracking hardware isn’t a new technology.

But by designing cheaper eye-tracking devices, it makes them more accessible to the millions of people who suffer from degenerative diseases or disabilities that don’t allow them to use a traditional keyboard and mouse.

Faisal says several companies have already approached him about mass-producing the device, but none so far have shown a true desire to keep them cheap and accessible.

Source: Mashable



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